Kaitenzushihokkaisozai Ionmoruwakayamaten in Wakayama

JapanKaitenzushihokkaisozai Ionmoruwakayamaten



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Japan, 〒640-8451 Wakayama, Naka, 573 イオンモール和歌山 1F
kontakte telefon: +81 73-452-0005
webseite: www.hokkaisozai.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.2758256, Longitude: 135.1484404

kommentare 5

  • 横井俊之



    I often use the Kishiwada store, so I can't help but compare... It's not good at all... Anyway, the salty taste of Kama-yaki is weak! Tasteless! Try the Kishiwada store! Customer service is also poor! Well, unlike other stores, I think that being fully open is hurting the motivation of the employees, but it doesn't matter to the customers. I think the president should go and inspect it once.

  • 小光-ヒカリ



    The ingredients are very fresh and taste better than I expected! They also specifically asked me if I wanted to put wasabi in the sushi, which was very considerate. It was also very convenient to order with a tablet. The comfortable space and environment gave me a recommendation.

  • 長谷川平蔵



    This is my first visit to the store. The sushi has good ingredients and is delicious. When ordering, it is expensive compared to other conveyor belt sushi restaurants. . I feel that, but... At checkout, there was almost no difference from other stores. It's overwhelmingly delicious compared to kura, kappa, etc., and even better than a bad sushi restaurant. However, the inside of the store is too dirty. . The soy sauce is also spilled and stuck. In the photo, the part you hold in your hand is after wiping. . The lanes also have dirt and water stains. The store was dirty from the moment you entered. I won't be visiting again. .

  • David Thomas

    David Thomas


    Hakaido style self-serve sushi. Great sets available or eat as you go. Family place. Booths and counter seating. Excellent quality.

  • Johnson Yim

    Johnson Yim


    Poor sushi. All seafood are tasteless except Ika.

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