Kaisu in Minato-ku




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Japan, 〒107-0052 Tōkyō-to, Minato-ku, Akasaka, 6 Chome−13−5
kontakte telefon: +81 3-5797-7711
webseite: kaisu.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.669916, Longitude: 139.734537

kommentare 5

  • Nadia Harnett

    Nadia Harnett


    Really lovely little hostel with comfy beds and great bathrooms! The showers and toilets were really clean and the bed pods were spacious enough. It was also nice that there was a bar/cafe downstairs where you could get breakfast in the morning and discounted food and drinks during the day/night. The staff were really nice and helpful.

  • en

    Andru Tun


    Nice hostel with a nice coffee bar. Everyone can speak fluent english. Kaisus menu is simple, some cakes, coffee, tea and a list of many kinds of special local beers. The area is full with bar and restaurants so you dont need to travel far to eat.

  • Luke Bray

    Luke Bray


    The small capsules are great, there's plenty of room for bags and the place is clean. Staff are friendly and the whole hostel is very well decorated. The reason this is not 5 stars is because the pillows are awful, they're very small. Rooms can also get quite hot and I have found it hard to sleep some nights. There is a free breakfast however it is literally banana, boiled eggs and toast. However its free so I can't really complain too much. Overall a great stay and if I visit Tokyo again I will probably stay here.

  • Mike Case

    Mike Case


    Extremely clean. Nice location. Everything you want from hostel. Room was a little hot though.

  • en

    Nathan Finch


    Such a nice hostel. Comfortable and private beds, super clean, really friendly staff, and free breakfast! The location is great too. It's in a nice, quiet area with easy access to the trains. I definitely recommend staying here.

nächste Cafe

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