Dean & DeLuca Café Roppongi in Minato City

JapanDean & DeLuca Café Roppongi



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒107-0052 Tokyo, Minato City, Akasaka, 9-chōme−7−3 東京ミッドタウン B1
kontakte telefon: +81 3-5413-3585
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.6654728, Longitude: 139.7307106

kommentare 5

  • Gabriel Rossi

    Gabriel Rossi


    Great store for espresso, amazing texture and well extracted.

  • Kee Nyap Yong (KN)

    Kee Nyap Yong (KN)


    Simple yet delicious deli lunch. Everything looks yummy. Paired with a 187ml red wine that is available off the shelf.

  • Dan Vandiver

    Dan Vandiver


    The food was great especially the quiche Lorraine, lasagna, avocado shrimp salad, and specialty drinks. The drink service was super slow and I didn't even get my drink the order it was placed. I had to wait 10 minutes after the second person after me! 🥺

  • Aya Igdirova

    Aya Igdirova


    Nice place to take a quick break and have a good lunch or cup of your favorite drink. Variety of fresh salads and bakery. Highly recommended.

  • Saidul Barbhuiya

    Saidul Barbhuiya


    Loved this place and my personal favourite is the chai tea latte, French toast and avacado toast. It is located right at the entrance of Tokyo Midtown tower next to uniqlo there. Serves some great coffee and tea time snacks. The staff is very friendly and service is very good.

nächste Cafe

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