Kagoshima Plaza Hotel Tenmonkan i Kagoshima

JapanKagoshima Plaza Hotel Tenmonkan


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7-8 Yamanokuchichō, Kagoshima, 892-0844, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 99-222-3344
internet side: www.kag-plaza.co.jp
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Latitude: 31.5878367, Longitude: 130.554537

kommentar 5

  • Titania Banfi

    Titania Banfi


    Free tea bags, bed was comfortable, curtains were dark. The staff was very helpful when booking the parking! The non-smoker rooms didn’t smell of smoke, which is not granted in Japan. Parking is 1000 yen per night, it wasn’t clear when I booked the hotel and I was only told when they messaged me. (The description says that parking is part of the facilities of the hotel). The room is SMALL! We slept in the one with the small bed but we managed with no problem.

  • Richard Oon

    Richard Oon


    What I need to say is a big ‘Thank You’ to the helpful and accommodating staff of the hotel. While most of the staff are not well-versed in English, communication was made relatively easy with the help of Google Translate. The service of the hotel staff is exceptional compared to the other accommodations we’ve been to during this trip, and I thank them from the bottom of my heart ❤️

  • Lucas Griffin

    Lucas Griffin


    We were only here for one night but very impressed with all the amenities on offer. There is a laundrette on lvl 10: 300 yen per wash, 100 yen for a 30 min dry. shampoo/soap bar at reception- you can squeeze out what you want into little take away things to use in your room- (but there were already shampoo, conditioner and body wash in the room). toothbrushes, combs etc in the rooms to. easy to use airconditioner. When we came back at 9pm we noticed several bars open in the area (but couldn't hear them in our street facing room or reception).

  • Sunny Miu

    Sunny Miu


    Stayed here for two nights and it is not bad. Although room is not brand-new and the staff could not communicate in English, but all you can enjoy is an economy price and a clean room in the high street of Kagoshima town. Room size is typical and the bathroom is clean.

  • Daniel W

    Daniel W


    Staying here for two nights, prices are extremely reasonable, the room is clean, tidy, modern and well located! Parking is available and is 1000 yen per day which isn't too bad I guess. Plenty of spare pillows you can choose from, and theres extra amenities in the lobby.

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