Business Hotel Tenmonkan i Kagoshima

JapanBusiness Hotel Tenmonkan


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2-2 Funatsuchō, Kagoshima, 892-0831, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 99-224-3371
internet side:
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Latitude: 31.588591, Longitude: 130.557388

kommentar 5

  • やのけんさんチャンネル




  • Huu Danh

    Huu Danh


    Classic 🤠

  • Ana Mestre

    Ana Mestre


    The toilet was very dirty. The window in the room could not be opened and the room smelt funny. The carpet was dirty. The furniture was old and dirty.

  • Edwin Rollins

    Edwin Rollins


    Cheap, small, clean rooms. Breakfast is a self serve type deal with small options. The staff is very friendly and helpful. 6th floor wifi was in and out. The pay per view didnt work. The coldness is hard to shake in the room i was in even with the heat blasting. Its about an hr away from the airport so dont take a 100.00 taxi like i did.

  • pak Hin Lau

    pak Hin Lau


    My family checked in today and they said the hotel is dirty, smelly, dark and disgusting. Wanted to rate 0/5 but minimum is 1/5.

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