Mother Leaf AEON MALL Hiroshima Fuchu en Fuchu

JapónMother Leaf AEON MALL Hiroshima Fuchu



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Japan, 〒735-8588 Hiroshima, Aki District, Fuchu, Ōsu, 2-chōme−1, 安芸群付中町大須2丁目1-1-2008 イオンモール広島付中2F
contactos teléfono: +81 82-284-5769
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Latitude: 34.3945993, Longitude: 132.4991381

comentarios 5

  • Mariange



    The design of the store is just so cute. Chairs also look great in photos. The salted caramel waffles are delicious. I eat it with a syrup that resembles burnt caramel, and that syrup was exquisite. It's a tea shop Recommended for tea lovers.

  • mam mam

    mam mam


    Tomato sauce pasta, American cream pasta, and omelet rice are delicious. The meatballs in the meatball pasta and the shiso pork shabu pasta were a little weird. But this time, the soy milk cream pasta with squid and mentaiko was delicious (although I wanted more mentaiko). The tea syrup on the waffles is also delicious. Recently, the aroma and taste of black tea syrup, iced milk tea, and coffee have become quite weak, so I wish they would bring them back...Earl Gray lemonade tea had a strong taste and aroma, and it looked cute. Some people won't put their food on the desk. Every time, I hand the plate (food) directly to my hand. I will never leave it on my desk. Most of the staff, both male and female, are polite and kind. Please listen smartly when putting down the dishes. There is a rule that elementary school children are not allowed unless they order one item, so be careful if your child eats little. Just drinks are not enough. We don't eat much so we leave some leftovers. I think it's really good that the all-you-can-eat waffles are gone. A group of people with children stayed there for hours, so the turnover rate was poor, the lines were long, and most of all, it wasn't the kids, but the mothers who were making the noise. After the all-you-can-eat option is over, you can enjoy your meal at your leisure.

  • かっぱえび



    I used it for lunch. Set A has a prominent speech bubble that says it comes with waffles, but it says it's a small waffle or mini salad, so it doesn't necessarily come with waffles. I wanted to have salad and waffles, and the other menus said that you could have salad or waffles for an extra charge, so I asked if they could do that too, and I was coldly told that I just had to choose between waffles and mini salad. I did.

  • 明日野圭三



    I took a short break. I was led to the back of the store. I was surprised at how spacious it was. The staff are very nice and make you happy. I am very satisfied with the service. I received a set of scones and milk tea. Unfortunately, the first cup that the waiter poured me had too much milk, and the taste and temperature were not good. , I didn't feel bad about it. As for the be honest, they were nothing like the English scones you get with milk tea. The look and feel of the dough was so similar to sata andagi that I thought it was fried. The only thing that was close to my idea of ​​scones was that it wasn't sweet at all. I think it's good that they are changing to new scones adapted to Japan, but if they are going to be served as a British-style set with clotted cream and strawberry jam, I think it would be better to pair it with a fluffy English-style scone. I felt it. Well, scones are difficult, aren't they? By the way, the seasonal waffles that my companion ordered were apparently delicious.

  • RINA S

    RINA S


    The store has been in the same location ever since Soleil opened. It's amazing that it's survived even though there are many shops that have disappeared. In the past, there was a smoking area and the prices were reasonable, but now all menu items have increased in price. Straws have changed from plastic to paper. Although it continues to change with the times, the taste remains consistently delicious. It's famous for its waffles, but it's also a tea shop. Ordering hot tea is more fragrant and delicious than ordering iced tea. The clerks are mechanical and don't smile and seem cold. All the friendly store clerks from the past have left. Is this also a change in the times...

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