カフェ・ベーカリー「はなもも」 in Koga




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2623番地, 2623 Ōwada, Koga, Ibaraki 306-0111, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81
webseite: www.dynac-japan.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.1918932, Longitude: 139.7894584

kommentare 5

  • ぽてこ



    A bakery in front of Family Mart inside the roadside station. I bought a lot of it a few years ago and remembered how delicious it was, so I went there, but by the afternoon of the last day of Golden Week, it was already sold out and very few were on sale. I will go buy it again 🎵

  • ヤッホー父



    It is located inside the roadside station ``Makuraganosatokoga''. I usually buy bread, but today I ordered a set of pancakes. Drinks are 120 yen for a set order, but on weekdays, drinks were free even for set orders. Coffee goes well with sweets.

  • chiyo 1004

    chiyo 1004


    Not only on weekends, but even on weekdays, products run out quickly before noon. (After the second brown rice roll sale) I arrived 10 minutes before the brown rice roll sale and was able to buy it just in time. (Pay in cash on the spot) The drinks looked delicious, so I tried the fruit tea this time, but unfortunately it wasn't very good. The brown rice roll was chewy and very delicious!

  • 宮下英明



    After I stopped by the other day and had lunch, the bread looked delicious, so I bought some. Purchased keema curry, egg sandwich, brown rice sandwich, and more. I ate it later and it was quite delicious, and I felt it was cheap for the size.

  • イケカズ



    Every time I go to Makuraga no Sato, I shop here. The bread I make is delicious, but I prefer bread for sandwiches and other side dishes. My recommendation is the egg sandwich. Even with this, there are so many ingredients that it is very satisfying to eat. This time, my wife and I bought 4 of these and enjoyed them for lunch.

nächste Cafe

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