JOURNAL in Tsukuba




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4869-1 Imagashima, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 300-2641, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 29-896-6842
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.1292204, Longitude: 140.0384652

kommentare 5

  • 日本侍



    A clean and stylish cafe. The staff was polite and had a good feel. However, considering the high reviews, the food was not as good as I expected and was surprisingly average. The milk tea after the meal was also quite bland and not delicious. Overall, it was disappointing.

  • CocoHawaii



    It was a lovely shop with a beautiful wide lawn. The edge of the lawn at the entrance looked like a GI cut and I was impressed. I had a hamburger set for lunch. The tomato sauce with melted cheese was delicious. The customer service of the staff was also wonderful. I will be using this again. Thank you for the meal!

  • いちご屋



    There is a stylish cafe tucked away in the middle of a field, and I had been curious about it for a long time, and the other day I went there with my daughter. Everything was stylish and I was impressed with each and every one! The staff had good footwork and the atmosphere was very nice. I had omelet rice and my daughter had grilled curry. It was very delicious. I want to conquer all the menus (⁠^⁠^⁠)

  • Yasu



    I visited several times over the weekend without making a reservation, but each time I was fully booked, I couldn't get in. This time I made a reservation and visited. A detached house stands alone among rice fields and fields. If you don't know about it, you won't realize it's a restaurant and will walk right past it. There is grass around the store, which is very pleasant. There are no stores like this in Tokyo, so it's very valuable. The inside of the store is bright and has a great atmosphere. The store staff are all women and are very responsive. I ordered the "Healthy Set with Lots of Vegetables". The fact that the amount of rice served by men and women was different even though they didn't say anything was a sign that only the female staff member could notice.

  • Jack KWOK

    Jack KWOK


    Simple, Cozy. Nice café near the green

nächste Cafe

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