Kafe Do Kurieionmoruakitaten in Akita

JapanKafe Do Kurieionmoruakitaten



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒010-1413 Akita, Goshonojizōden, 1-chōme−1−1 イオンモール秋田 2F
kontakte telefon: +81 18-829-5013
webseite: c-united.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 39.6640509, Longitude: 140.1593621

kommentare 5

  • 会津雲国斎



    The only Kurie in Akita Prefecture is attached to a bookstore. Apparently you can also view books you haven't purchased yet. Hot dishes include spaghetti and toast. Stickers indicating curry are affixed to sandwiches, breads, waffles, and baked goods that you can pick up. Sometimes I just go out to drink Solbeige.

  • Makoto Kimura

    Makoto Kimura


    It has a nice atmosphere because it is attached to a bookstore. I think you can improve your intelligence by about +15 just by drinking coffee and reading here. The price is a little high. For that reason, I was also impressed by the fact that it wasn't overly crowded. *It's not too expensive. Carbonara, orange roll cake and coffee cost 1,660 yen. I'm glad I was able to take a break before impulse buying books and stationery.

  • キムラ



    I visited on a weekday at noon! I was able to relax in a comfortable atmosphere! The egg sandwich was also delicious, so please give it a try!

  • りぃだ



    It was a nice space to read a book slowly, but it was too cold to stay there for long. Blended with sweet white Mont Blanc. You can get a refill of the blend for 100 yen. I like all kinds of Mont Blanc because they are interesting. 30 yen off for the set.

  • Adam Antao

    Adam Antao


    Ok coffee, fantastic sandwiches.

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