Ivy in Akita




🕗 öffnungszeiten

3-13 Narayama Noborimachi, Akita, 010-0021, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81
webseite: knitcafeivy.blog.fc2.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 39.7089347, Longitude: 140.1157038

kommentare 5

  • Ta Ta

    Ta Ta


    I went to the store to see the yarn I wanted. There seemed to be a few regular customers drinking coffee while knitting in the space at the back of the shop, but I was only talking to them and couldn't go to the back to ask about the yarn. I bought it and brought it home. There's nothing wrong with making friends with regular customers, and it might be fun to knit while chatting with them, but I felt like the shop owner was neglecting shoppers he didn't know, which made me uncomfortable. I used to see this store's line, so I registered and asked about the yarn they had in stock, but I guess they were busy, so I was marked as read, so I decided not to go there again. It's a shame because they have a wide selection of products.

  • 高畑保之



    Coffee is delicious. There is also support for people who were affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake and those who have evacuated, and I want to support them.

  • 亜寿佳



    When I checked the parking lot on my first visit, I was told quite rudely, "It's in front of the store, but..." I was not informed in advance that the training fee would be 500 yen, but when it came time to learn it, I was charged the normal amount. I was very disappointed because even though it was paid, I felt like they were teaching me random things in my spare time. To make matters worse, he was always talking to other regular customers and was neglecting me. Even though I told them in advance that they were beginners, there were many words that bothered me, such as ``This is wrong in the first place.'' I think it's definitely better to go to a proper classroom. I will never go there again.

  • 小南敦子



    You can teach me how to knit properly 🍀🎶🍀

  • みさ



    I came to the store on my way home! There was a lot of opal yarn, and I felt happy just by being there (^^) The coffee was delicious, and I was also able to knit some decorations made with opal yarn, which was very satisfying! I didn't have time to take a closer look, so I'd like to take a closer look at the knitting supplies next time.

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