Kadoya Hotel en Shinjuku City

JapónKadoya Hotel



🕗 horarios

Domingoabierto 24 horas
Lunesabierto 24 horas
Martesabierto 24 horas
Miércolesabierto 24 horas
Juevesabierto 24 horas
Viernesabierto 24 horas
Sábadoabierto 24 horas
1-chōme-23-1 Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 160-0023, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3346-2561
sitio web: www.kadoya-hotel.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.68981, Longitude: 139.69619

comentarios 5

  • Sally Lee

    Sally Lee


    Comfortable Stay with excellent customer service. My stay at Kadoya Hotel was fantastic. The hotel's location, just a 10-minute walk to the JR lines and airport bus terminal, was incredibly convenient. Booking early also ensured a reasonable price. I appreciated the option to choose from soft, medium, or hard pillows for a personalized sleeping experience. The staff were exceptionally friendly and provided excellent customer service throughout my stay. The room was spotlessly clean, but the only downside was that the toilet paper provided was a bit thin. Overall, I highly recommend Kadoya Hotel for its great location, friendly staff, and cleanliness. With just a minor improvement in the quality of the toilet paper, it would be perfect. I would definitely recommend my friends.

  • Vina Widha

    Vina Widha


    The room is a bit small but still enough space to open luggage. The plus point is the location, it's walking distance to Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, Shinjuku station, Busta Shinjuku where you can take bus from/to narita airport, disneyland, fujikawaguchiko. You will going through alley of electronic stores, drug stores, izakayas, etc from station to the hotel. Minimarket is next to the hotel and across the street in front of it. Will definitely stay here again when we back to Tokyo!

  • Anna A.

    Anna A.


    Good value considering its proximity to the station. Pro-tip: 2-min walk to Shinjuku station if you enter/exit through the S2 or S3 exits. 😉 Rooms are a bit older and small but so is everywhere else in Tokyo. It is in the quieter side of Shinjuku which we liked, since everything else is within walking distance. Staff were super nice and accommodating, especially when helping us out for luggage transfer. Would stay here again!

  • Katrina



    I stayed here for 10 nights with my husband and it was a wonderful experience. We stayed in the double deluxe room. It was extremely clean and fairly spacious. The room was on the third floor and we never had to wait long for the elevator. The room was right next to the laundry room (with vending machines) which was very convenient for our long stay. The staff was extremely friendly and helpful. The location is unbeatable, very close to Shinjuku station and also two other stations on the subway lines. Tons of food and convenience stores are just steps away. If we stay in Shinjuku again we will definitely be staying in this hotel!!

  • Vera Wong

    Vera Wong


    This hotel is superb. All staff are very friendly and the location is very near to Shinjuku station. There r many food outlet around and Lawson is just next door. They also have the egg twisting machine free for the kids to play and my kids really enjoying it. I would consider coming back to this hotel if I am back to Tokyo next time. Pricing also reasonable.

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