ゲストハウス G'Inn en Shinjuku-ku

Japónゲストハウス G'Inn



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒160-0021 Tōkyō-to, Shinjuku-ku, Kabukichō, 2 Chome−31−3 トーコープラザ
contactos teléfono: +81 3-6228-0673
sitio web: g-inns.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6975632, Longitude: 139.7035426

comentarios 5

  • Trey Thompson

    Trey Thompson


    This is a fantastic location for access to the metro and lots of night life. However, it comes with the noise of night life. Also, the area appears fairly mob heavy. It's in the middle of Korea Town, so if that's your jam it's a great location. Finally, there are lots of male and female entertainment venues, both voluntary and paid. Beware English speakers offering you too much for too little.

  • Scott H

    Scott H


    Our room was dirty, at least it was small too!

  • Win Chung

    Win Chung


    the lavatory drain is blocked and no place can put my clothes when I was taking a shower and the toilet seat and rim is dirty

  • en

    Umar Sheikh


    very good if u want to stay in the night only in low budget

  • Omer Mosko

    Omer Mosko


    Great room and amazingly comfortable beds, right in the middle of shinjuku. Great rates, although those looking to meet new people or a great atmosphere wouldn't find this here.

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