Junidan-ya en Kyoto




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570-128 Gionmachi Minamigawa, Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto, 605-0074, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 75-561-0213
sitio web: junidanya-kyoto.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.002993, Longitude: 135.775346

comentarios 5

  • Ken Leem

    Ken Leem


    I was brought her by my Japanese friends and tbh was a little skeptical given its location being in heart of the touristy Gion district but all that melted away the moment I stepped into the restaurant as it was literally like stepping into a time-machine and was transported back to old Japan with old artifacts, arts and craft peppered all over the different spaces. Food wise, they had preordered a sukiyaki set, which isn’t also my choice had it were me because I usually found in past that the sukiyaki sauce would overpower the natural flavour of the beef, but just like how I was wrong about the restaurant location being in a touristy area, I was also SO wrong about the food! Because everything was sublime! The sauce didn’t overpower the delicious beef, in fact even their appetizer platter (usually in 9.5 out of 10 restaurants where it’s would be ‘meh’, this one was absolutely delicious! Not just pretty to look at but an absolute delight to eat! This meal in May was so impressive that I’ve already made plans to return in November to have their Shabu Shabu! Do note that there are two restaurants of the same name and they are related in that they have same owners and the casual side takes no reservations and caters to walk-ins only, whilst we were in the ‘honten’ side with a different entrance and does not entertain walk-ins so reservations are a must.

  • Nha Le

    Nha Le


    We were looking for a good sukiyaki in Kyoto restaurant for my birthday and saw this place had very good review. It worths the wait becuase the foods were so good and high quality. They were very busy and need reservation but we didn’t want to come back for dinner so we waited in line for lunch.

  • Simon Chan

    Simon Chan


    This is one of the famous traditional sukiyaki place in Kyoto. The beef and sauce are both really good as well as other ingredients. The only complaint I have is they didn’t put some super on the pan before frying the beef to create Maillard reaction.

  • Helga Jiang

    Helga Jiang


    Wow. What an incredible experience from start to finish. We were lucky to be seated as a walk in at around noon, although they also take reservations. We had the lunch sukiyaki set. Amazing and hospitable service. We had our own relaxing private room, in a traditional Japanese style, with floor seating, beautiful artwork, and pottery decor. The meal was cooked in front of us from start to finish. Our server was incredibly kind and attentive. The meat was so tender and cooked to perfection! The sauce was so delicious. Absolutely our favourite meal so far during our trip to Japan. What a gem!

  • Benjamin Yim

    Benjamin Yim


    So here's the deal—we were scrambling for a last-minute spot to accommodate our group, and most nearby restaurants were a no-go. Then we stumbled upon Junidan-ya, and....we're glad we did. The sukiyaki was out-of-this-world good. I'm talking about melt-in-your-mouth meat, a perfectly balanced egg, and veggies and sauces that complemented each other beautifully. We also tried ebi don, shabu shabu, and steak, and they were all solid choices, but the sukiyaki was the star. Now, a heads-up for those passing through: this spot can get busy. We had a 25-minute wait, and after people saw us standing outside, the waiting list ballooned with 10 additional parties. So, maybe swing by early if you can. I can't recommend Junidan-ya enough. One of my fav places while staying in Kyoto. I'll definitely be back, and sukiyaki will be on my mind until then.

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