酒場 エルマール en Kochi

Japón酒場 エルマール



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Japan, 〒780-0841 Kochi, Obiyamachi, 1-chōme−2−1 アスター121ビル 5階
contactos teléfono: +81 88-872-2119
sitio web: instagram.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.5612286, Longitude: 133.5423118

comentarios 5

  • Lander Blue

    Lander Blue


    It's a very nice bar with a wide variety of cocktails and the word "bar" fits perfectly. It gets noisy when there are a lot of people, but it's also a good atmosphere. There are plenty of non-alcoholic and food options, so you'll want to come back again and again.

  • 武田悠佑



    Delicious cocktails made with seasonal fruits Because it's a cocktail bar I visited in midsummer, and the watermelon salty dog ​​was very delicious. The atmosphere and customer service are wonderful, and I would definitely like to visit again. Smoking allowed. thank you very much.

  • T R

    T R


    Good service. Not much whisky selection though.

  • baby.s_breath



    This is a restaurant that I have been frequenting ever since my husband and I were introduced to it by a friend. There is a wide variety of drink menus, including seasonal drinks that make use of seasonal ingredients, and there are many types of cocktails, all of which taste better than they cost. The food menu has just the right amount for women, and the low prices are very appealing. Additionally, the atmosphere inside the store is open, as it is located on one floor, but the lighting is subdued, making it a comfortable space to spend time in. The clerk was also kind and pleasant.

  • co Pe

    co Pe


    I went there through a recommendation from a friend. Exotic? Western style? It was a shop with white walls and many of the tables and chairs were made of wood, so it felt warm. It was a bit difficult to get to because it was on the 5th floor, but it's a shop I'd like to go to again. There were cocktails with names you'd heard in manga, and drinks that were unique to Kochi.

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