Daiichi en Asahikawa




🕗 horarios

4-chōme-134番地 2 Jōdōri, Asahikawa, Hokkaido 070-0032, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 166-22-6064
sitio web: www.daiichi-d.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 43.7684004, Longitude: 142.3551892

comentarios 5

  • コネクトジョブ



    No matter when I go, the middle-aged women (or women) who work at the cash register are unfriendly and make me feel uncomfortable. I think the number of customers proves everything. It's better for you mentally if you let yourself be completely self-centered. There are times when there are more store staff than customers, which can help reduce costs.

  • Masa



    After 7pm, there are almost no sashimi and side dishes, including special items. Even though it's open until 10pm, it doesn't feel convenient because there's almost nothing you're looking for. In the past, it used to be open until 5 a.m., and then it was open until 2 a.m. Back then, it was a very useful supermarket with a wide variety of products and fewer items out of stock. , ever since they closed at 10pm, the number of unfortunate things has gradually increased until now.

  • m m

    m m


    It's a small store, and while it has some decent items, it doesn't have a lot of variety, so it's probably better to go to another store because you can get everything in one place, and there aren't many people around, so it feels lonely. I cannot use electronic money other than nanaco. Cashless payments generally increase the cost per customer by 10-20%. Cashless payment systems should be introduced at stores where people usually shop.

  • フミ



    It's not a large store, but it's helpful to have one.

  • yoshino Nagano

    yoshino Nagano


    It's a shame that the store is small. The staff at the store are very responsive and provide detailed explanations of local shipping for frozen foods. Cheap foods that cannot be purchased outside of Hokkaido Recommended for travelers. Electronic money not available, cash and cards accepted.

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