吉田歯科・矯正歯科 en Toyonaka




🕗 horarios

3-chōme-1-50 Kitasakurazuka, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-0022, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 120-584-618
sitio web: www.yoshida-dental.net
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.7828602, Longitude: 135.4687073

comentarios 5

  • tap k

    tap k


    I started using this service after my wisdom teeth started hurting last year. I am very impressed with the fact that he not only explains tooth extraction, but also the condition and treatment methods of periodontal disease based on materials and data, and I continue to work with him regularly. Honestly, I've always avoided dental treatment because I'm scared of it, but thanks to the kindness of the doctor and dental hygienist here, the condition of my teeth has improved dramatically. More than anything, it is encouraging to receive positive advice regarding dental treatment. thank you. Reservations are required, so there is no waiting time and the receptionist is very nice. I look forward to working with you.

  • shun nao

    shun nao


    Latest treatment. Reception facilities. Polite and cheerful reception. I feel comfortable coming to the hospital. I go there for my child's orthodontic treatment, and so far I think it's a hospital I can trust. P.S. Correction completed! The children are also satisfied with the result. I will continue to have regular check-ups.

  • アンブレラ社



    This clinic was recommended to me by someone at work. Ever since the last time I went to the dentist, I had a really painful and scary experience, I had been worried about the condition of my teeth but couldn't go, and it had been 10 years since I had been to the dentist. I was very anxious and nervous, but at the beginning he explained things very kindly and thoroughly, which made me feel relieved. After that, the doctor's treatment, the hygienist's periodontal disease examination and tartar removal. Everything was done carefully and without any pain and I was able to receive it with peace of mind. I am filled with gratitude. thank you very much!

  • y m

    y m


    A relative's face became swollen during the holidays, and even though he called the doctor on the same day and it was his first visit, he thoroughly examined the patient. Thanks to gentle and easy-to-understand explanations, I was able to proceed to the next treatment without getting any worse. I was on my way back home and didn't know where to go, so I went there feeling desperate, but I'm really glad I went to Yoshida Clinic. Thank you very much♪

  • 朱純慧



    This was my second time visiting a dentist in Japan, and I have to say that the service was excellent. This clinic even gave me a dental checkup report, and it took me 20 minutes just to explain my subsequent treatment process. I also had to clean my teeth afterwards. Be very careful and gentle! First class

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