京急EXイン品川駅前 en Minato-ku



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Japan, 〒108-0074 Tōkyō-to, Minato-ku, 港区Takanawa, 3 Chome−13−3 シナガワグース
contactos teléfono: +81 3-6743-3910
sitio web: www.shinagawa.keikyu-exinn.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6296512, Longitude: 139.7360947

comentarios 5

  • en

    Madison Y


    1, There is no air conditioning in the room with sealed window! You feel like staying in a box cannot breathing! After you take shower (with no fan working), you feel like living in a steam room. There is no air in and out 2, if you have no computer, you have to pay ¥100 ($1.3) per 10 minutes to use their slow PC on the lobby. I changed my review from 2 to 4 starts because we got another nicer room after check out and came back one day after. I guess that we were not that lucky to have nicer room at the very beginning. Breakfast is awesome!

  • Pace Weng

    Pace Weng


    Good location. Efficient place for connecting the Haneda airport.

  • Justin Chin

    Justin Chin


    Good location, close to Shinagawa station. Good buffet breakfast. Good WiFi. Would stay here again.

  • en

    Chantal BOECKMANS


    Very nice hotel in front of Shinagawa station in Tokyo Japan (former Meridien Pacific hotel). Big beautiful lobby and reception. Lot of good restaurants in the hotel Japanese, American, ...... Luxury rooftop restaurant with skybar (music in the evening) and wonderful panoramic view. Marvellous afternoon tea bar in front of the Japanese garden. Nice desserts and small cuisine. Beautiful breakfast room in front of garden. Very nice breakfast. Large choice (buffet, continental and English breakfast). Kind and professional personnel. Great service. You can take high speed train in front. Nice shops and restaurants in front. Shuttle service to the airport.

  • en

    A Google User


    Clean room, convenient location, 1 min walk from JR station, friendly service.

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