静岡銀行 w Fujieda




🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-22-30 Ōte, Fujieda, Shizuoka 426-0017, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 54-641-0750
strona internetowej: www.shizuokabank.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.8737511, Longitude: 138.268232

komentarze 5

  • 白玉



    My son went to create an account, but instead of going to the counter, he was called to a different location and was given the only options, one with a credit function or the internet, and tried to deceive him into creating one. It was so slow that I went to see it and noticed it myself and stopped it. At that time, I asked a young male bank employee a few questions, but he was blunt and lied, saying that his son wanted to make one with a credit card function. Young people should be careful.

  • ひら44



    It's very convenient that there are so many branches, but it's a shame that you can no longer check your regular passbook balance on your smartphone. I switched my payment account to a bank or postal savings account where I can check the balance on my smartphone.

  • 野良猫まる



    Even though it was only about opening an account, there were errors in the required documents in the explanation I received in advance from the bank. As a result, it could not be opened. I was asked to come back, but no apology was given. At first, I received a simple explanation about how to open an account from a dispatched staff member, but when I asked a few questions, a regular bank employee came out and answered my questions without even introducing himself.

  • 白ごま



    I asked them to match the denominations, but they made a mistake and didn't check the total amount! That's not good at all! Really a bunker? Also, when I asked her to cancel my account, the woman at the counter had a disgusted look on her face! Really Terror? This guy has not been able to educate himself! Shizugin-san... Shizugin-san! Also, the security guard at the entrance to the parking lot... go! When I gave the signal, I drove forward and almost collided with a car traveling straight on the road! “A car is coming! Make sure to check!” I shouted in my heart! It was seriously dangerous 😑 It's better to check left and right yourself! No matter when I go, the signs are hard to understand... To be frank, it's a nuisance!! . .

  • よしすき



    Previously, since I no longer needed the ordinary savings account passbook I had created to transfer my salary, I canceled it and tried to create a new passbook at the Ekimae branch (because it's close to my home). The process is not finished even after 20 minutes. I'm in trouble. If that's the case, it would be nice if you just told me in advance that it would take about XX minutes... It's not just people who have free time. I had other things to attend to. I went out once and came back on time. I was able to do some work. I think they are people who have received a high level of education. Be considerate. good luck!

najbliższy Bank

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