珈風帆 in Kochi




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107-15 Nishitsukanohara, Kochi, 780-0951, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 88-844-9863
webseite: www.facebook.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.5649767, Longitude: 133.4876789

kommentare 5

  • 恵理



    Inside the store, there was quiet and gentle background music, many beautiful paintings were displayed on the walls, and handmade accessories, small items, and almond cookies were sold in front of the cash register. The lady who works at the store is a little unfriendly...but judging by the ingredients used in the handmade cookies she sells and the reactions she gets out of the blue, I think she's actually a very nice person. , maybe you're not good at expressing it publicly? I thought. Morning toast is fluffy and thick👍 The egg toast has plenty of ingredients and is delicious ✨ The omelet has a beautiful shape and looks like it would be served at a hotel breakfast 😊 I think all the menus are voluminous. My personal favorite was the morning pumpkin potage soup. Mellow and gentle taste ❤️ It was so delicious that I wanted to order it alone 👍

  • みん



    I had the cheese marmalade breakfast 😋 It was delicious ✨ It was hard to find the place so I got a little lost (lol) The inside of the store is spacious and you can spend your time slowly.

  • Tiger Touchan

    Tiger Touchan


    I went for breakfast. There are so many different types that I get confused. It came from the soup. It was quite delicious. The omelet wasn't fluffy, but it was soft and delicious. It's just delicious. The egg sandwich is full of eggs and delicious. It looks like it contains about 2 eggs. In terms of quantity, it feels like it's enough for a morning meal, just enough to make your stomach bloat. I think I'd like to try the ham sandwich next time. Coffee tastes disappointing. Overall it was delicious and I want to go again.

  • ぺこにぁん



    The place was full within 15 minutes of opening at 7am. Morning menu has a wide variety and coffee is also big! The creamy omelet is really delicious (^^) I'm also thankful for the free Wi-Fi. Starting in May, we will be closed on Tuesdays and Fridays.

  • Sayuri Lily

    Sayuri Lily


    I went to morning. I love that you can choose your dressing ♪ The cheese marmalade toast was delicious. They're doing it from 7 o'clock! After-meal tea is self-serve. Closed on Tuesdays. I went on Sunday. I wanted to try the bento set, but there was a notice saying that it was not available on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, so I got the fried shrimp set and the chicken tartare set. After a while, another customer ordered a bento set... Eh! ? Did you ask? ? ? It was a good learning experience. Next time I'm going to eat a bento set on Sunday♪

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