カフェ ド 梵 in Kochi

Japanカフェ ド 梵



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒780-0841 Kochi, Obiyamachi, 1-chōme−14−33 1F
kontakte telefon: +81 88-821-0295
webseite: cafe-de-bon.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.5607946, Longitude: 133.5391613

kommentare 5

  • まき



    I went to have chiffon cake and coffee with a friend in the evening. I think most people come here because they want to relax and relax, but the man who runs the store is yelling at a part-time worker loud enough for the customers to hear, and their relaxing time is ruined. It was a disappointing time. I think it's a shame because the shop is famous for its delicious chiffon cakes. The part-time workers were not particularly unpleasant, and in fact, they served customers in a pleasant manner. Although the taste of the cakes and coffee and the customer service from the part-time workers were good, the only thing that took away from my image was the attitude of the owner.

  • Akihiro Kurosawa

    Akihiro Kurosawa


    This is a cafe in Kochi city that serves delicious chiffon cakes and coffee. I ordered a banana chiffon cake and a coffee blend called German, and the banana flavored dough and cream on the outside went very well together, and the combination with the clear flavor of the dark roasted coffee was really good. There were quite a number of customers who purchased chiffon cakes for takeout. I also appreciate that it's open until late at night. It's an irregular holiday, so you need to be careful about that. It is recommended.

  • misam54



    It is a cafe that is open until late after drinking ♡ Chiffon cake is famous, This is my first time receiving it♡ The showcase is Many types of chiffon cakes were displayed, Everything looks delicious☆彡 A cafe that has been around for a long time, Coffee is also very delicious! I believe the blend costs 490 yen. Wonderful these days (o^^o) If I remember correctly, the cake set is also 950 yen☆彡 I don't drink too much, so I'm so happy to have delicious coffee after drinking alcohol☆彡 Chiffon cake too At a small size, When I removed the film, it fell down lol Still, it has a fluffy and chewy texture. Chiffon cake is so attractive ❤️ Because the size is small, A light cake set, Looks like we can talk slowly☆彡 Thank you for the meal. Please read until the end. Thank you very much☆彡 thanks

  • kenny Google Official

    kenny Google Official



  • Amelia Knight

    Amelia Knight


    A nice, relaxed little cafe restaurant serving drinks and desserts. A welcome respite to the busyness of the shopping area outside.

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