珈琲館 紅鹿舎 i Chiyoda-ku

Japan珈琲館 紅鹿舎



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Japan, 〒100-0006 Tōkyō-to, Chiyoda-ku, Yūrakuchō, 1 Chome−6−8 松井ビル 1F
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3502-0848
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.6735054, Longitude: 139.7608953

kommentar 5

  • Jack KWOK

    Jack KWOK


    Showa style 喫茶店. Curry is good.

  • P_Th_S Thean

    P_Th_S Thean


    The food was OK. Only 4 sets menu in the morning. I've ordered the scrambled egg one. My point of giving this café 2 stars is one of their waitress. The waitress, short hair, dead eyes, not welcoming face, was so rude toward us. She forgot to give us knifes therefore I asked other waitress, which very helpful and kind, to give us. Instead of accept that she's forgotten,the rude waitress argued "I've already gave it to them". I mean... Hey!! look carefully!! you totally forgot! There's only 2 fork !!! The helpful waitress tried to show the facts but that rude one just stomped her feet away. Moreover, I honestly believe in service-mind of Japanese people since I've traveled here quite a lot, even understanding Japanese language by so. They always say "Thank you" ...like... Always and this is making people respects their service-mind. Guess what... the rude waitress didn't say anything, simply "Dropped" a chance with 2 fingers. Oh bye 🙄

  • Leonard Buntaran

    Leonard Buntaran


    One option for breakfast in Tokyo. Vintage coffee shop with delicious siphon coffee. Recommend the pizza toast set.

  • Ta Dah Yeah

    Ta Dah Yeah


    Heavy desserts with a lot of creme chantilly and little ice cream

  • en

    Toon Wei Lim


    Decent coffee, but smells of stale tobacco smoke. Good value if you don't mind the smell.

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