DEAN & DELUCA Market Yaesu Store i Chiyoda-ku

JapanDEAN & DELUCA Market Yaesu Store



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Japan, 〒100-0005 Tōkyō-to, Chiyoda-ku, Marunouchi, 1−9−1 JR東日本東京駅構内 B1 GranSta内
kontakter telefon: +81 3-5288-8040
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.6812425, Longitude: 139.7676953

kommentar 5

  • James Harvey

    James Harvey


    A very convenient but relatively small outlet located on B1 of GranSta on the Yaesu side of Tokyo station and easily accessible for passengers catching the shinkansen. There is no seating at this store and it is geared towards takeout. Not to be confused with the Dean & Deluca cafe in Marunouchi, which the majority of the photos and reviews relate to. I have no idea why so many people are getting the location so wrong.

  • Noe



    Believe the original location. Caters to the business crowd in otemachi. Cafe take out or eat in. Lunch time week days busy with workers. A couple of vinos available. Usa ok, australian lousy. A couple of bottle beers . . Lunch and even evening busy. Evening quite a few OL. 3 outside seats (should be far more with waiter/waitress service) but has a typically nonsensical style for eating outside My use for meeting clients in area for coffee or late snack or evening glass of vino for those in hurry . .also can park directly outside

  • en

    Ellie W


    Great location centrally located in the Financial District of Marunouchi. It's the first Dean and Deluca opened up in Tokyo. Clean and spacious, and great for lunch, tea and dinner. Large selections of baked goods, salads with no supermarket attached. Open till 11 p.m., which is also a great thing, although when it gets later in dinner time, selections get very limited in sweets (pies and cakes). Their pancakes are good.

  • en

    Akihiro Uei


    great location, good atmospere, good food and drink. if you read books here before going to office, it must make your day productive and satisfying

  • Mark Reutens-Wee

    Mark Reutens-Wee


    Nice cafe to sit out the rain. Good and well brewed coffee. Blueberry riccoti tart is great. Drop by.

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