ジャズ・イン・おくら i Kumamoto




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1-12 Minamitsuboimachi, Chuo Ward, Kumamoto, 860-0848, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 96-325-9209
internet side: www17.plala.or.jp
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Latitude: 32.807297, Longitude: 130.71253

kommentar 5

  • 中田博



    A sacred place for jazz in Kumamoto City. Although it is a so-called jazz cafe, live performances are often held here. The master's special coffee ``Okura Blend'' is the best.

  • Edward D

    Edward D


    This bar is beautiful and comfortable. The drinks were good and the owner was very friendly, and his music taste was great. Sadly we were not there when live music was playing, but the owner played a great selection of recordings. Thank you for your hospitality ! :)

  • 峯達也



    When I was in my first year of university, I worked part-time for about a year at a liquor store near JAZZ Inn Okura. Before my part-time job starts at 6 o'clock, I sometimes open this heavy door and sit in the corner of the dimly lit counter. His body was swaying to the rhythm of JAZZ. He smoked a cigarette like an adult and nodded at the coffee, which had an unknown taste. The young man from back then has now passed his 60th birthday and is rocking his body in the corner of the counter in the same way. Beyond 45 years. Back then, Miles and Coltrane were often played in the store. Carlos Santana's live performance is on the large TV in the back today. While listening to the nostalgic cry of an electric guitar Enjoy homemade chicken curry. The slow-cooked chicken and tomato session is a recommended dish that you will fall in love with. (Pizza is also recommended) By the time she finishes eating, Santana's guitar starts to growl and she starts crying. "Europe of Sorrow" nostalgic. After-meal coffee arrived. The master doesn't know that I used to come here from time to time over 40 years ago. Since then, the master has been quiet and shy. They leave customers alone in a nice way. That's why I feel comfortable here. As I take a shower of jazz and drink the last sip of coffee, Santana's guitar is accompanied by a soothing saxophone. Sadao Watanabe. It's Nabesada. Santana and Nabesada❗️ are the best. Opens around 4pm. They also have live performances from time to time, so it's best to check their website. There was no live performance today, so I visited before 8 o'clock. JAZZ in Okura Uenoura

  • りく



    It was a jazz cafe business day without live performances. This curry is really delicious. Coffee has a refreshing flavor and goes well with meals. I would like to try pizza next time. The atmosphere of the store was not formal, and it was a place where you could enjoy high quality music.

  • おフランスぶた



    This is a restaurant that I was curious about because I was invited to a live performance before but couldn't go. What is "Jazz Inn Okura"? Inn is more of a pub, not an inn. The curry, which is a specialty here, is apparently made only from the water content of vegetables. It's kind of tough. I also went for the hard side and washed it down with bourbon instead of drinking water. In addition to whiskey, there seemed to be several types of shochu as well. There are two types of beer. The coffee is beans from "Marumiya". It's called Kumamoto City. Do you do jazz live regularly? It is being held on. Tickets will be sold in advance on the day of the concert, so it will probably be reserved and you won't be able to enter. There were many flyers in the store.

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