ICOCA i Kumamoto




🕗 åbningstider

1-12 Chūōgai, Chuo Ward, Kumamoto, 860-0802, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 70-5258-0019
internet side: m.facebook.com
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Latitude: 32.8008971, Longitude: 130.7107891

kommentar 5

  • tumugi



    It's an old building You can enjoy your meal very calmly. I was introduced to you by a friend and came to visit you. carbonara rice I was really looking forward to it. It tasted as good as I expected and was delicious. It feels like the first time I ate it like it was stew and rice, but it was a completely different experience.

  • Jueon



    Late at night, 22:00. All the real Japanese restaurants were closed, so on my way back to the Airline Hotel, I happened to see a picture of karaoke on Google Maps, so I went in. After freezing, it was only for lunch takeout, but I asked the owner if I could eat karaage here and he happily gave me a menu. The chief was very kind and I enjoyed the karaage and beer!!! The beer in particular felt a little expensive, but I really enjoyed it.

  • Knight Dankiryu

    Knight Dankiryu


    The restaurant is run by a friendly and cheerful female owner. ICOCA Glass 🥃This is a shop where you can see glasses that I have hand carved and handmade straw shrimp.

  • Alima Malisu

    Alima Malisu


    So good.

  • ma nyann

    ma nyann


    I ordered Kahlua milk and omelet rice to eat and drink, and the omelet rice was full of chicken! As an apology for the time it took to prepare, I was given heart-shaped omelet rice and soup as a complimentary dish. I think I will definitely go again.

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