Japan Post in Kasugai

JapanJapan Post



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒487-0032 Aichi, Kasugai, Takamoridai, 10-chōme−2−3 団地 004号棟 1階
kontakte telefon: +81 568-91-5874
webseite: map.japanpost.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.2888978, Longitude: 137.0488785

kommentare 5

  • 根木政美




  • nico yuyu

    nico yuyu


    I collect landscape stamps. It's a small post office, but the woman at the counter was very polite and pleasant. This post office's landscape stamp design features a cute squirrel holding an acorn and Mt. Takamori, and they also gave us a piece of paper with an explanation of the design (there are very few post offices that go this far). Are you skilled at landscape stamps? The person who appeared to be the director of the department pushed me very skillfully and carefully. I feel that they understand exactly why people who collect landscape stamps come to the counter. They are just landscape stamps, but when I visit various post offices as a hobby, I can somehow get a sense of the inner workings of each post office in that short amount of time. This was a post office that made me feel warm and warm (and there was a huge gap between it and the post office I went to later...)

  • 広子松浦



    I had a very unpleasant experience at this post office today. A female staff member who was listening to the exchange between the male staff member and me responded, ``I'm sorry for making you feel uncomfortable,'' so I managed to calm down.

  • 春日井市のちづるん



  • 須美珠樹



    It's a small post office, so people remember your face, and the atmosphere is always friendly and homely. However, once I sent international mail in the past, the charges were extremely high, and when I looked it up, I found that the Czech Republic in Europe was counted as Africa. I later protested, but they just apologized and did not refund the overpayment. Since it's only a few hundred yen, I think the ignorant employees who thought a European country was Africa should pay for it themselves. I was acutely aware that it was a rural post office, so from now on I will send all international mail to the main office in Kozoji.

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