Nagoya Kita Post Office in Nagoya

JapanNagoya Kita Post Office



🕗 öffnungszeiten

2-chōme-20-1 Tsujihondōri, Kita Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 462-8799, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 570-041-575
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.2030541, Longitude: 136.9232584

kommentare 5

  • Chris D

    Chris D


    For being a large post office and handling all sorts of domestic mail and international mail, the mail window staff are in need of serious training. One would think that they would be able to understand different address formats for different countries or have a reference chart but anything that is t written in the Japanese style confuses them. Even when letters or packages are clearly marked Par avion as well as air mail and the country is clearly written they can’t seem to grasp the concept that it means it’s not domestic mail. They also are so undertrained they need to go through several measurements and weighing and putting things through a size guide even when the item being mailed is in a standard envelope size or god forbid an a4 envelope with just papers inside. They don’t know where to place the stamp and postage on items and often will try to cover up the return address as they don’t grasp the concept of a To: area and From: area. If everytime you have to ask a coworker to examine or check the letter or item then you need to be in a different position.

  • kana tama

    kana tama


    At the call center, A rude old office worker The delivery mistake made by the authorities was transferred to the factory that received the order. Shifting blame or making long and complicated excuses As I opened my eyes, I was told endlessly, I would like my postcard and phone charges refunded. Please apologize from the beginning.

  • 黒髪にゃご



    First of all, I asked for a pick-up at 7pm, and I waited at home the whole time, but it didn't come even after that time. It was already too late to call, so I requested a pick-up for the next day, but the elderly male employee who came to pick up the package spoke to me in whispers, which made me feel quite uncomfortable. Another said, ``...this is over 25kg, so I need a scale.Isn't it okay to do it after noon?''But what is the purpose of requesting a pick-up? If the problem is that the scale is not always in the car, then it is the employee's fault, but if this happens because there is no such information at the time of the collection request, the system is confusing for the employees, and it should be fixed. be. Either way, if you want to do a decent job, I want you to quit your job for the sake of the people in this area. It is best to be careful when requesting pickup when time is limited. In particular, requests for pickup from 7pm will not come, and even if you try to call, there is a high possibility that you will not be able to get through. I am thinking of using a different company to ship my parcels in the future. On the other hand, the female staff at the counter are all attentive and able to do their jobs, so I feel sorry for the fact that the rating is lower because of some of the staff members. I would like them to put more effort into educating their staff, regardless of their age.

  • まーしゃん



    There have been cases where I didn't specify the placement when the item was delivered, but it was placed automatically. Due to a mistake on my part, there was a flaw in the shipping process, so even though I called several times before 7:00 p.m., I was not answered. Please call again. And just announcements. I wish they would stop not answering the phone, probably because it's almost time for a response. I was annoyed when I called, so I went directly the next day. The counter staff will provide you with more friendly service.

  • yoji koyama

    yoji koyama


    ・Parking available ・Separate toilets for men and women ・Night-night baggage collection available I use it all the time, but it's convenient because I can pick it up even at night. You can park about 4 cars on the south side, where there are few parking lots and lots of street parking. It's okay to park on the road for a short time. This self-centered thinking is a nuisance to those around you.

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