Japan Post Tobetsu Office i Tobetsu

JapanJapan Post Tobetsu Office



🕗 åbningstider

51-4 Yayoi, Tobetsu, Ishikari District, Hokkaido 061-0299, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 133-23-1221
internet side: map.japanpost.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 43.2186944, Longitude: 141.5170094

kommentar 4

  • 写真写真



    I was in a lot of trouble when a male deliveryman returned my package without permission. A package was returned to me as an unknown address because the address on the mail and the name on the name plate at my home were different. Even though the address was correct and I had contacted them for redelivery, the return process was processed several hours after I contacted them for redelivery. That night, the delivery person came to my house and I thought he was just handing over the package, but he just kept telling me that he couldn't redeliver the package because he had already sent it back, and that he couldn't deliver it because the name was different. I'm really angry because he didn't even say sorry. Thanks to this, the package was returned to me, but since the sender has already left Japan, I can't have it resent. In the end, I decided to contact the landlord over there and ask him to send my luggage. I've been waiting for over a week already even though I need the materials for work. If it's true, I should have it on hand by now. Why would you send it back? It's not uncommon for people to live there with a name different from the name on the nameplate. I can't believe they sent it back at their own discretion. There's a phone number written on the package, so you can just call and confirm. As a bonus, even though the person in question was right in front of me, it was strange not to hand over the package that was probably in the mail truck. There were no problems with other packages or other delivery personnel. For the delivery person, it may just be one envelope, but I want them to realize how many people they are causing inconvenience with their arbitrary decisions. Trust in Japan Post has declined.

  • Hirokazu K

    Hirokazu K


  • 佐藤弘典



  • 高橋敏信



    It's a post office

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