Japan Post Nopporo-Ekimae Office i Ebetsu

JapanJapan Post Nopporo-Ekimae Office



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒069-0813 Hokkaido, Ebetsu, Nopporochō, 37−7
kontakter telefon: +81 11-383-3796
internet side: map.japanpost.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 43.0937222, Longitude: 141.5288754

kommentar 4

  • sa to

    sa to


    I requested a Yu-Pack mail, and the male staff member was extremely kind and polite! I was a bit nervous, but he taught me a lot without making a single unpleasant face!

  • あるくま



    Honestly, I don't want to give it a 1. An old postal worker named "Nagai" is really creepy. I was told completely strange things about the type of mail and the date of arrival, which I thought was strange, so when I asked again, I realized that I had made a mistake, but there was no remorse at all. If you're going to send mail here, it's better to send it somewhere else.

  • yr a

    yr a


    I often use the post office, and all the staff are kind and always helpful. I've been to another, larger post office before, but there were a lot of people who weren't used to sending out special mail, so I had to wait quite a while. This post office checked immediately and responded very politely. My only regret is that it's not open on Saturdays, but this is my only option when using the post office.

  • 井川直美



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