Japan Post Teine Akebonodori Office w Sapporo

JaponiaJapan Post Teine Akebonodori Office



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2-chōme-3-16 Akebono 4 Jō, Teine Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 006-0834, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 11-681-3906
strona internetowej: map.japanpost.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 43.131006, Longitude: 141.2359486

komentarze 4

  • ai sakko

    ai sakko


    This is a small post office located along Akebono Street in Teine Ward. There is a ramp at the entrance for people with disabilities, but there is virtually no parking available. As I mentioned in the photo, the space right next to the post office is supposed to be the parking lot, but some of the office staff asked me where the parking lot is. When I asked him, he replied, ``Sorry, there is no parking lot here.'' Generally open from 9:00 to 17:00 (weekdays only, closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays). There is a push-button traffic light right in front of us, so at the turn of the traffic light, most people who come by car park on the street with their hazard lights up. Therefore, on the 15th of even-numbered months, which is pension payment day, many cars are parked on the street. There is only one ATM. The inside feels small and narrow. The person in charge of receiving mail is the same person almost every day, an older woman with blonde hair who is honestly unfriendly and unpleasant. If you're having a long conversation about something like Japan Post Insurance, there's Tsuruha Drug nearby, so you might just have to buy something there and park your car for a while. I can't find any paid coin parking nearby. That's why, if you are driving by, please keep this in mind.

  • 長くつしたのピッピ



    This is helpful because there are few postal banks in the area.

  • YA



    The street parking is so obstructive that it is sometimes impossible for cars to pass. Don't park near the corner❗️It's a nuisance❗️

  • 八田幸江



    The atmosphere is nice and you'll want to stay for a long time.

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