Japan Post Kyushu Branch in Kumamoto

JapanJapan Post Kyushu Branch



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Japan, 〒860-0846 Kumamoto, Chuo Ward, Jōtōmachi, 1−1 日本郵政グループ熊本ビル 4F
kontakte telefon: +81
webseite: www.post.japanpost.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 32.8045449, Longitude: 130.7088967

kommentare 5

  • 硝子の中年



    There are office workers who are no longer civil servants who mistakenly believe that they are superior just because they happen to work for a company that has a branch office, but they still make fun of customers for thinking like civil servants. There's no parking lot. There are just too many ATMs.




    Regarding coronavirus infection among postal workers, I think there is naturally a high risk of infection in workplaces where a large number of unspecified people come and go, and delivery workers are also in occupations where they often come into contact with a large number of unspecified people. If a station employee is infected, he or she will have to wait at home for five days, but since he or she will be in contact with an unspecified number of people, the government and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, who only care about their own safety, will only think about economic revitalization. As customers, we are worried that the waiting period of 5 days is too short. I think it will take at least a week to 10 days. Also, from the station staff's perspective, I think five days is a bit too short, especially in terms of managing the health of station staff who are doing outside work and delivery work in this extremely hot weather.

  • Kou Naka

    Kou Naka


    It's not that there's anything wrong with this, but it's about the structure of the post office as a whole. Anyway, I waited a shit ton for the product to arrive. This time, I was really irritated by the slow response from the store I purchased it from and the inefficiency of the post office delivery system. Shipping 2 days after ordering (slow), delivery 3 days after shipping, and 5 days from order to delivery. Nowadays, orders are completed within 5 days. Let me explain in detail. Ordered on the night of the 22nd → No contact (on the way, I contacted the store once) Shipped in the afternoon of the 24th → I thought it would be shipped the same day, but it stopped for more than half a day and arrived in Kumamoto on the next day, the 25th. After that, the tracking system was not updated at all, and suddenly it was updated that it had arrived at the post office in the jurisdiction on the morning of 3 days later. I have a question here. Do these guys even know what a tracking system means? Do you know that tracking is a system that lets you know exactly where something is when you read the barcode at a relay point? If I knew where it was, I probably wouldn't have been so irritated, but I realized that not being able to understand or confirm the situation of people is the most frustrating thing. I recently had a similar incident with a minor shipping company, which made me even more irritated. I will never use the postal service again for shipping. When it comes to home delivery, Yamato is the best when considering everything such as network and system. It takes three days to get from the Tokyo metropolitan area to Kyushu, which is too fatal. I think something should be done about the tracking system and the required number of days as soon as possible. People who experience this case will definitely stay away from the post office. It will make a big difference whether you treat this as an opinion or just a complaint.

  • tabby “tabbycat” cat

    tabby “tabbycat” cat


    I saw it on web news, but where is the "area in Kyushu" mentioned below? A post office in a certain area of ​​Kyushu received an email saying, ``Are you leaving the office on time with zero (insurance) results? That's impossible! (Omitted) All employees must work overtime for 3 hours to achieve results!'' It was getting worse.

  • 松尾博志



    There are also many ATMs. The counter staff also had smiling faces. It still feels good❗The air conditioning is working well❗\(^_^)/

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