Japan Post en Oita

JapónJapan Post



🕗 horarios

1-chōme-1-7 Jōnanhigashi, Oita, 870-0824, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 97-543-8255
sitio web: map.japanpost.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.2193927, Longitude: 131.5845863

comentarios 5

  • 三浦マサシ



    When I drove by around 3:30 pm, I saw junior high school students. Several elementary school students are on the sidewalk next to the park. They were stiff and fighting.

  • 橋本祐次



    There is a parking lot for 2 cars, but it is difficult to park! I think there are a lot of cars parked on the road. Is it an unfortunate location?

  • LeO Oh

    LeO Oh


    Post office 95, location (parking) -90, ★5 ( ˘ω˘ ) lol There are only two parking spaces (one of which is marked with a wheelchair sign), so you often have to park on the road, which obstructs your view and makes it difficult to get out onto the road, and since it's an intersection, the road in front of you is crowded, making it even more difficult to get out. I plan to go during less crowded times or on foot. The people at the station are always kind and polite, which makes me feel better and I am grateful.

  • Prima Shariff

    Prima Shariff


    It’s your average post office. They’re sadly not open on weekends. The ATM is only open until 5:30pm on weekdays and until 12:30pm on Saturdays.

  • てっしー



    They will respond kindly and politely!

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