JAかみましき Aコープ 矢部 en Yamato

JapónJAかみましき Aコープ 矢部



🕗 horarios

233 Hamamachi, Yamato, Kamimashiki District, Kumamoto 861-3518, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 967-72-0580
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.68348, Longitude: 130.985019

comentarios 5

  • 白撥中



    For lunch, I had a take-out lunch box 🍴🙏 They are sold in-store, and they will make them for you starting at 500 yen (excluding tax) depending on your budget, and if they have enough quantities, they will even deliver them to you👌 Recommended side dishes are fried chicken, salt-grilled salmon, and egg gratin style. I ate it in June and July 2023❗

  • 山田作蔵



    An old-fashioned supermarket with the smell of a fish shop I was surprised that they had a good selection of basic single malts.




    Visited when sightseeing. There is no problem with PayPay payment. It's been a while since I went to A Coop, and I was intrigued by the original retort curry and cup ramen from A Coop. The meat in the meat corner was also beautiful and looked delicious 😃

  • kotaro abe

    kotaro abe


    I found a supermarket while passing by. Will the store name remain the old Yabecho? , Kamimashiki. Food items are on sale. By the way, payment is by cash only.

  • Chris



    Super convenient supermarket if you are in the area and need to pick up some food. I went shopping here for meat and veggies for BBQqing at a nearby campground. They have liquor, too, which was nice. Got to have beer for camping.

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