Family Food Arisa Chuo en Misato

JapónFamily Food Arisa Chuo



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790 Baba, Misato, Shimomashiki District, Kumamoto 861-4406, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 964-46-3939
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.643369, Longitude: 130.788087

comentarios 5

  • Akiko Morisita

    Akiko Morisita


    It can't be helped in this time of rush to raise prices, but I think it's a little more expensive than other supermarkets, and they carry fewer items. I feel like the customer service is better than before. It's a supermarket that has been around for a long time, so it's a frequent destination for locals.

  • 稲田博昭



    I bought fried rice. It's reasonably priced and delicious. My seniors take me for a drive once a week.

  • もややん



    It's located on the right side of the road from Uki City toward Miyazaki, at the traffic light just past FamilyMart.It's a place for locals to relax, and it's a good deal, with products that are half price due to expiration dates. It would be better if only the cashier had an eco bag.

  • kmckpkc jyhnjtg

    kmckpkc jyhnjtg


    It's a small supermarket. I was surprised at how fresh and plentiful vegetables, fresh fish, meat, and side dishes were, even though this is a rural supermarket! I thought I would like to visit again when I am nearby. But the relatively young person at the cash register? I gave minus two stars because there was a customer who was very unfriendly and seemed to throw the bills away without counting them. The other ladies were very friendly, kind and polite!

  • papa kudome

    papa kudome


    I think they are doing their best for a rural supermarket. I think it's a good all-rounder, with plenty of meat, fish, and vegetables, as well as side dishes and alcohol. This may be an indispensable supermarket for everyone in the neighborhood. . Good luck✊!!

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