Ito Clinics w Shizuoka

JaponiaIto Clinics



🕗 godziny otwarcia

17-38 Hirakawaji, Shimizu Ward, Shizuoka, 424-0872, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 54-345-7614
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.0101154, Longitude: 138.4606514

komentarze 5

  • 大石真緒



    He is my family doctor who has been taking care of me since I was an infant. I am very grateful for your thorough examinations and frank responses. I think he is a great doctor because he treats a wide range of people, from under-teens to the elderly. He is a very good doctor and he prescribes medicines according to each person's symptoms, and if you want the desired dosage, he will always give it to you if you let him know.

  • 美穂



    When I worked at a nearby nursing care facility, he used to come every month to visit the residents. He was a doctor who carefully examined each patient and listened carefully to what the staff had to say. He is a teacher I can trust, so I feel safe going to him all the time.

  • NA KU

    NA KU


    I've been thinking about writing this for a long time, but The doctors and nurses provide very thorough examinations. However, the receptionist didn't greet me unless I said hello, so what happened? Nor. Maybe I'm the only one who thinks that, but... His language is bad and he seems to get yelled at every time. I feel sick. While I'm not feeling well, It can be difficult to deal with business matters. I would like to see more patient-friendly treatment.

  • coNa surF_52

    coNa surF_52


    I have been indebted to you since the time of my previous teacher. I was able to witness my grandpa and grandma's final moments at home. Thank you for taking the time to visit me. Although he is a well-respected and well-known doctor in the local community, it seems that Dr. Waka's good manners can be viewed negatively by some patients. He listens well to what I have to say, and sometimes he gets off track, but I find that interesting. I'll never go there again, okay? There will be less waiting time.

  • りんごりんご



    The receptionist was very unpleasant and didn't greet me, didn't ask me about my symptoms, didn't give me a medical history form, and told the receptionist myself. The doctor has a bad mouth and a bad attitude, and it's impossible for him to sit at a desk. The nurse suddenly left the room without saying a word, and I didn't know if this was the end or if I should go back to the waiting room. This is the first time I've been to such a disgusting private hospital! I will never go there again.

najbliższy Szpital

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