Itasoba Kaoriya Hiroshima Otemachi i Hiroshima

JapanItasoba Kaoriya Hiroshima Otemachi



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Japan, 〒730-0051 Hiroshima, Naka Ward, Ōtemachi, 2-chōme−7−27 NKビル 1階
kontakter telefon: +81 82-247-2490
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.3925591, Longitude: 132.4560565

kommentar 5

  • jj walsh

    jj walsh


    My favorite soba place in Hiroshima - English menu, beautiful decor, friendly staff and vegetarian friendly. A little more expensive than the normal soba place but so much better than a standard place. Craft soft drinks, sake, shochu, beer also available.

  • Siobhán M

    Siobhán M


    We spotted a queue outside this place and came back later on to try it! Worth the few minutes wait! Delicious soba noodles with a hot duck soup! My husband had one of the specials - a tempura of prawn and vegetables. All very tasty!!! Lovely friendly service 😊

  • Jeff DeSouza

    Jeff DeSouza


    Fantastic cold soba! I chose the first option on the English menu (peanut sauce and classic soba sauce). It also came with a warm rice dish that had pieces of (oyster, I think?). It all really hit the spot! Other notes: 1. Also had their sugarless lemonade — was so much better than a LaCroix! 2. They were very gracious about helping me realize the crowd outside was a line of folks ahead of me 😅

  • Mitchell W

    Mitchell W


    We had a delicious tempura soba set - thick, substantial soba noodles and a delicate, fragrant broth. Tempura super crisp and fluffy. Service was courteous and attentive, and staff were very happy to provide an English menu and help us order.

  • Audric Sy

    Audric Sy


    The food was good but it felt like there was something missing and it seemed a bit pricey. The sesame sauce tasted unique and had a strong taste of sesame unlike others I have tasted. The light soy sauce was similar vs others I've tried. The tempura was great though and seemed worth the price with the batter being crispy but light and fluffy at the same time and not being too oily. Overall a good place to try.

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