イタリアンパスタマリーン w Chiba




🕗 godziny otwarcia

35-8 Shindenchō, Chuo Ward, Chiba, 260-0027, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 43-244-9700
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.6075049, Longitude: 140.1097733

komentarze 5

  • みにみらみん



    It’s really delicious 😊 I think everyone has their own preferences, but for me, I prefer a fastball in the middle. Boiled so that a little core remains. The salty taste is not too strong, but it is not too salty. The carbonara seems to be made the authentic way, so it's super rich🤩 It's so delicious and I'm so grateful for the price! However, it seems that the owner is the only one cooking, so the restaurant is very small. So it's always full at lunch time 😑 It looked like we wouldn't be able to get in last time, so this time we contacted them to reserve a seat 🤤 I think it would be a good idea to consider the time and go early or at a later date.

  • カツヲ



    Used for lunch on holidays. Although it is located in a residential area, it was crowded and almost full. The interior of the store is a little dated, and the atmosphere is calm and comfortable, perhaps due to the customer service provided by the veteran staff. The lunch menu is reasonably priced at 800 yen for pasta and 1,000 yen (tax included, February 2023) with salad and drink. Although the ingredients weren't luxurious, the seasoning and texture of the noodles were good, and the portion was ample. The type of pasta for lunch seems to change every month, which makes me want to visit again.

  • 菊地康二



    On the last day of the Obon holiday, I finished some errands and visited Marine in Nitta-cho, Chuo-ku, Chiba City for the first time. ``Meat Sauce Pasta (Eggplant & Fresh Tomato)'' and ``Fresh Cream Pasta (Shrimp & Mushroom Tarako Cream Sauce)'' are both available as a ``lunch set.'' Salad and drinks were served first, but the pasta arrived without a long wait 😋 It was delicious and I finished the pasta in no time 😆 Was it okay to have a large serving? While thinking that, I would like to try Doria on my next visit 😊 The couple working at the shop were very nice and it was a good shop ♪

  • しののめ



    So delicious! I thought there wouldn't be that much because it was so cheap, but I ended up getting 1.5 times more than I expected. But it's delicious, so you'll be able to gobble it up. I'm so happy that all of the pasta has filling ingredients! Although it's small, the interior is quite elaborate and has a great resort-like atmosphere. There are counter seats, so it's easy to spend time alone. recommendation.

  • Take Shinotsuka

    Take Shinotsuka


    Wednesday, May 24, 2023 11:15 I walk past it almost every day on my way to work, but today was my first visit on a business trip. There is only one parking lot in the back. The restaurant has 3 tables and 3 counter seats. Since the store had just opened, there were no customers. The windows are large and there is a feeling of openness. The windows were fully open and it was a bit hot, but refreshing. Pasta lineup is around 1,000 yen. I took the opportunity to order a large serving of the highest quality shrimp and avocado Genoa cream (1,200 yen including tax) for an additional 200 yen. This photo shows how we arrived in about 10 minutes. The taste is okay. However, considering the extra 200 yen, the volume is a bit lacking. The noodles are also quite normal. I wish it had a little more personality or punch. I think the customer service and atmosphere are decent, and it's a good store. Thank you for the meal.

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