Itami City Hospital en Itami

JapónItami City Hospital


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1-chōme-100 Koyaike, Itami, Hyogo 664-0015, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 72-777-3773
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Latitude: 34.7834332, Longitude: 135.3969197

comentarios 5

  • ゆゆ



    I guess it's because it's Itami City, which unfortunately has a very bad response. When I contacted them, perhaps because it was a Saturday, the response from the emergency personnel was quite harsh, and I could hear them laughing, and the emergency personnel were also laughing bitterly...I could hear them complaining all the time, but it wasn't on hold music. I was told that I would probably be okay at that level, but I wasn't convinced and asked a doctor I knew to see me at a large hospital in Nishinomiya, where I was immediately hospitalized and had surgery.

  • しの



    There are generally bad reviews I was surprised. I went to various general hospitals due to moving etc. Thank you for your help, As a general hospital, it is comparatively better than any other hospital. I think this is good. Of course, not all are better, but This is my first time having a gynecological surgery. The nurse carefully explained the operation to me as I was anxious. Please gently hold my hand as I cry, "It's okay," he encouraged me. When removing wisdom teeth at the dentist To me who was shaking with anxiety "Let's take it slow! You'll be fine." They greeted me brightly and with smiles, Don't rush when doing a bowel test. "Are you okay? What if you feel unwell? Please take your time.'' He kindly responded. The hospital visit is over, and from the next time onwards, Will it cost money if I don't have a letter of introduction? Something like that I was given an explanation, but if something were to happen, I will continue to consider this hospital in the future. Sorry for the long post.

  • 7



    I recently went to the dentist to have my wisdom teeth removed. Due to the medication I was taking, the surgery was performed under general anesthesia. When the anesthesia wore off, I felt like I was in delirium, but a nurse was by my side and kept telling me, ``It's okay,'' which made me feel at ease.

  • ケイン濃すぎ



    Based on my experiences, I feel that the quality of medical care as a whole is at a lower-medium level, but I get the impression that there are some overwhelmingly bad doctors who give up and make inappropriate decisions in terms of personality. . Be especially careful when it comes to emergency lifesaving. No matter how much pain there is, 8.9 out of 10 cases are followed up and re-examined during the day. In cases of easy-to-understand injuries such as external injuries, I think stopping the bleeding will help, but in the case of internal injuries, it's the worst. Even though the patient was suffering from severe pain due to an allergy to a specific food, the patient was misdiagnosed as having viral gastroenteritis (a similar misdiagnosis was subsequently made at the internal medicine clinic). A year before that, when a relative of mine was brought in by an ambulance, the patient was basically kept under observation (left alone), but in the end, he waited until first thing in the morning to be examined at another hospital and given an injection. The nurses and office staff are very good, but the doctors, in particular, are very unmotivated and do not want to go to this hospital unless they know the cause clearly or are able to diagnose the condition themselves. It probably shouldn't take that long. I can't think of any other general hospital in Itami City...

  • Megumi Moritani

    Megumi Moritani


    Thank you for your help at the obstetrics and gynecology department. Since this was my first pregnancy, I had to go to the doctor for minor issues (I even had to see the doctor in the middle of the night because of bloating and pain in my stomach lol), but she never once gave me a bad look and took care of me by my side. Accurate and easy-to-understand doctors and kind midwives! In particular, the midwife who took care of my birth late at night was so kind...even though I was meeting her for the first time, I still remembered her full name even though I was in a daze! lol Even during my stay in the hospital, I was treated well. It was physically and mentally painful, but thanks to the midwives I managed to get through it! People around me said that the food at the general hospital wasn't delicious at all, but that wasn't the case at all.It wasn't luxurious, but it was delicious! My daughter is also 1 year and 1 month old. I'm really thankful to you. I would like to stay here again next time, but I am very disappointed that I moved away. Every time I pass by the hospital on business, I tell my daughter, ``I was born here! Everyone was so kind.'' thank you very much.

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