Itabashi tropical environment plant Museum i Itabashi-ku

JapanItabashi tropical environment plant Museum



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Japan, 〒175-0082 Tōkyō-to, Itabashi-ku, Takashimadaira, 8 Chome−29, 高島平8丁目29−2
kontakter telefon: +81 3-5920-1131
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Latitude: 35.7919516, Longitude: 139.6641148

kommentar 5

  • Kurian Varkey

    Kurian Varkey


    Good place for spending couple of hours . Surprised to see Indian Jackfruit tree and Banana.

  • Flaviu Rizeanu

    Flaviu Rizeanu


    Lovely green house with tropical plants and fish, and a place where you can rest with a great view above the tropical garden. Not very big, you can explore it all in around 30 minutes. It has also some water features - a small waterfall and a mist generator. Good for children or people who never went to big aquariums or botanical gardens. Entrance fee was 260 jpy per adult în June 2018. See the pictures:

  • en

    Steven Middleton


    Really nice place

  • Cameron Switzer

    Cameron Switzer


    A very affordable tropical garden with aquarium. I loved the tropical smell, the planets were numerous and coloUrful and the layout was done very well. 15:30 feeding of the Manta Ray was a joy to see. The Malay restaurant (open only on the weekend) served delicious chicken coconut curry. A rare and delightful treasure out here in the Tokyo suburbs. Well done!

  • Michael Towers

    Michael Towers


    Nice, cheap museum. The aquarium tanks had impressive livestock, but I thought the plantlife in the freshwater tanks could have been better maintained. I went on a sunday, when children enter for free so it was quite noisy. So if you'd prefer a more relaxing experience go on another day.

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