Isobe en Ota City




🕗 horarios

1-chōme-20-14 Tamagawa, Ota City, Tokyo 146-0095, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3759-2568
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.5624686, Longitude: 139.6999014

comentarios 5

  • hito mi

    hito mi


    This is my favorite ramen shop. There is only a counter, so there may be a line at times. The inside of the store is clean and has jazz music playing. I always choose white. I like noodles, soup, and wontons. I will visit again 🍜

  • 沖ラー



    I arrived around 8pm on a weekend and was able to get in without waiting. I ordered the most popular special white wonton noodles and a bowl of kettle-fried whitebait and grated radish. The soup is full of flavor and isn't too salty, so you can gulp it down. The compatibility between this soup and the whitebait bowl was nice. The wontons are piping hot and have a chewy texture. Next time I want to come and eat the Kuroji one 🍜

  • ふたば



    I came here before and couldn't forget how delicious it was, so I asked my son to bring me again. I had the same white soup ramen that I had last time, which included two shrimp wontons and two meat wontons. My son had white soup tsukemen and rice. I compared the flavors, and the tsukemen seemed to have more of the bonito soup ♡ The rice that was eaten by adding dashi soup to rice and making it like dashi chazuke was also great. It goes without saying that the wontons are delicious, but everything from the grilled pork to the chinese chicken has a clear flavor and is delicious. This is a recommended shop. Either way, both were delicious.

  • fuelmaster



    The wonton noodles here are really delicious. I was impressed. What I received was the most popular white flavor special wonton noodles. This is a special version that comes with 3 meat wontons and 3 shrimp wontons. Taste preferences vary widely, but personally, I like the soup, noodles, and ingredients at the highest level. First of all, the soup, which seems to be seafood-based, has the richness and flavor that I would like to see sold in a plastic bottle. The fact that it is less salty means that if the soup is delicious, you can reduce the amount of salt, which is similar to the ``dashikatsu'' method practiced in the Tohoku region. The noodles are extra thin homemade noodles. I don't know any other words to describe it other than the fact that it's chewy yet has a snappy bite. And best of all, the wontons are delicious! It's very innovative that they chose a part of the meat wonton that makes the meat juice come out when you bite into it. As for the shrimp, some restaurants wrap a whole vannamei shrimp in wonton skin and call it shrimp wonton, but here they use minced shrimp and it's juicy. Above all, wontons are a dish where you eat the skin, so unlike many wontons where the skin is too close to the surface and not blanched thoroughly, the wontons are evenly blanched. Honestly, I thought the skin itself could have been improved, but I was blown away by how perfectly it was boiled. However, I still haven't been able to clear my head about the value of seaweed. My hobby is eating around, so I don't often go to the same restaurants, but I find myself wanting to go to this place. Taste preferences vary widely. Thank you for the meal.

  • cool toshimon

    cool toshimon


    2021.7.3 Sat / lunch

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