ISHITAYA本店gamadan i Kanazawa




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3-chōme-4-1 Takao, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 921-8152, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 76-298-4800
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.5199733, Longitude: 136.6370444

kommentar 5

  • Rie O

    Rie O


    The food is delicious. Enjoy it with your eyes. The staff at the store are smiling and the atmosphere is good.

  • むろりん子



    Five years ago it was 5 stars. I liked the different menus for each season (the 24 solar terms), but this time I used salt koji. I think it's definitely a healthy dish, but it's simple and mostly vegetables. There is no volume for the price. I want them to go back to the elaborate dishes they used to have. Is it difficult at a time when prices are high?

  • 三井尚史



    Although the store mainly sells bedding, the setting is homely and the artwork is displayed as if it were part of the store. Apparel and bedding complement the work.

  • Summer Shimizu

    Summer Shimizu


    We had a carefully prepared lunch. Curry (+600 yen) and dessert (+600 yen) are also available as options. It was a very good meal that seemed to make my body healthy from the inside out. The interior also has a relaxing atmosphere. The staff were all nice and we had a great lunch time. thank you very much. The store also sells futons, towels, and bed sheets, and when choosing a bed, you can also try taking a nap or staying overnight. If you stay overnight, breakfast and dinner are included, so I definitely wanted to try it out when purchasing futons. I was surprised at how light the duck wool futon was, like air.

  • Warot an (わろたん)

    Warot an (わろたん)


    Ishida-ya's bedding is a wonderful product that allows you to get a good night's sleep. You will need to take off your shoes to enter the cafe and bedding, so we recommend shoes that are easy to take off. The cafe was very nice, both in taste and in the way it was served.

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