Ishinomaki Post Office en Ishinomaki

JapónIshinomaki Post Office



🕗 horarios

3-chōme-15-42 Minaminakasato, Ishinomaki, Miyagi 986-8799, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 570-943-121
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.4403683, Longitude: 141.2995087

comentarios 5

  • むにぇ



    I don't want to give even one star. Why can't the female employees here understand what I'm saying? He openly shows his irritation on the phone, and if he does that, I'll get annoyed too. That's why there are so many 1 star reviews. I don't know about post offices in other prefectures, but I don't want to leave it up to them. It is safer to have your important luggage handled by Yamato or Sagawa Express. I'm disappointed when I find out that the post office is delivering the package. Doesn't your boss see this evaluation? So no matter how long it takes, I don't see any improvement.

  • 和国大和



    Parking spaces are limited and there is sometimes a lot of traffic, so it's difficult to park, but it's the only post office in the city that's open until 7pm on weekdays, so it's a relief.

  • 斧拓ラフト



    Mail is sent here every time. What I always wonder is I don't understand why it is stored here rather than at a post office near the delivery destination. I'm in trouble because I can't even stop by on my way home from work. This place is open until 7pm on weekdays, right? When people like us come home from work around 6:30pm, we just can't make it in time no matter how hard we try. Even on Saturdays and Sundays, it's open until 3pm, right? I'm in trouble They send me a piece of paper telling me to come pick up my mail. Then drop it off at the nearby post office. You can't even do that? Even if I redeliver it, the result is the same I can't receive it because I haven't come home from work. That's no good, isn't it?

  • mito craft Ch.

    mito craft Ch.


    We always receive a large amount of mail, and we appreciate your kind response. I'm glad that you're available until late, and there's also reception on Saturdays and Sundays. The staff and work level are good. However, because the parking lot is a little difficult to use, customers with poor driving manners and skills often have cars that cross the line and cannot be stopped. It's a matter of manners on the customer's side, but the convenience of parking is -1.

  • タルタル



    I used the Yuyu counter! They were very responsive and shipped quickly! However, I felt that the customer base was bad (some of them), and there seemed to be some crazy people who parked diagonally in parking spaces for people with disabilities.

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