Shiogama Sauracho Post Office en Shiogama

JapónShiogama Sauracho Post Office



🕗 horarios

7-12 Saurachō, Shiogama, Miyagi 985-0025, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 22-362-9787
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.3122933, Longitude: 141.017775

comentarios 5

  • y



    I used it on the go! I was surprised to see bad reviews Gravel across the road (Nishi-Shiogama Station side) I had a contract with the post office for 2 cars in front of the monthly parking lot, so I parked there🚗³₃ It was great to be able to pay by smartphone! !

  • 時の記録者



    I saw a ghost at an ATM A woman in her 60s was standing in front of an ATM while wearing sandals, but no faltergeist occurred. What was that?

  • Googleユーザーゆき



    There is only one ATM, and the parking lot is small, making it hard to find a place to park your bicycle. Some of the women at the counter are kind to others, while others are kind to strangers and can be unpleasant. I want you to respond with a smile.

  • yoko



    When three people line up at an ATM, it can be intimidating to see everything opening and closing. 💦

  • 鈴木貴之



    I use it sometimes. The staff are kind. It is inconvenient that ATMs cannot be used on Sundays.

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