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2-chōme-1-1 Tōkō 9 Jō, Asahikawa, Hokkaido 078-8349, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 166-35-7711
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 43.7476506, Longitude: 142.3905584

kommentare 5

  • T M

    T M


    ・The treatment facilities were well-equipped and clean, but it didn't really feel like home. ・The unfriendly newcomer who doubts you and never apologizes even if you make a mistake with the change? I was surprised. ・The living teeth were killed in vain. ・Perhaps it is a characteristic of dentists these days that they seem to only want to provide treatments that will make money as much as possible, so I got the impression that patients' requests were often denied or difficult to get through.

  • あやめ



    I went to the doctor the other day for whitening. At the first visit, we performed a pre-whitening checkup, and found cavities and chipped teeth that had not been pointed out during regular checkups at other dentists, and performed treatment and whitening over several visits. He was a doctor who gave concrete yet simple and easy-to-understand explanations to patients who had no knowledge of his work, and the atmosphere was refreshing, which left a very positive impression on me. Since I was coming from a relatively far distance, I wanted a treatment that would reduce the number of treatments and keep costs as low as possible, and I am very grateful that he faithfully responded to my requests. I have a strong fear of dental treatment, but after seeing my situation, he quickly added anesthesia, and I was able to complete the treatment without any fear, making it a worry-free procedure from beginning to end. The interior of the hospital is new and has a sophisticated space design based on white, and the staff's calm personality makes me feel that the relaxed and elegant atmosphere is wonderful every time I go there. I've moved a lot and have been to many different dentists, but overall, this one is by far my favorite. I look forward to seeing you again for regular check-ups in the future.

  • aa zz

    aa zz


    My tooth hurts Video explains the definition of tooth decay from the teacher The examination ended with me brushing my teeth carefully. If you go to another dentist He treated me right away. Why did so much blood come out when removing tartar? It was my first time. I went and regretted it.

  • aaa



    The doctor and other staff are very kind and courteous. He takes great care in treating teeth that had cavities, preserving them as much as possible for future use. The treatment is almost painless and is performed with great care. Thank you so much for making my mouth sparkle! I appreciate having a completely private room. Although it is still new, it is very clean and beautiful. We look forward to your continued regular maintenance.

  • ことこと



    I'm not very good at dentists, but I want to go here regularly! This is the dentist I thought. The teachers and staff are all very polite and kind. He explained everything thoroughly so I was able to receive the treatment with peace of mind. When I went there, I was called almost immediately, and the treatment was polite and had only good things. The inside of the hospital is clean and simple. I also like that it smells nice and doesn't look like a dentist. I think I will ask you again, so thank you in advance.

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