Iryo Hojin Tanpopokai Dental Clinic w Wakayama

JaponiaIryo Hojin Tanpopokai Dental Clinic



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Japan, 〒649-6311 Wakayama, Kawanabe, 220 イズミヤスーパーセンタ 紀伊川辺店敷地内
kontakt telefon: +81 73-464-0051
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Latitude: 34.2623498, Longitude: 135.2660806

komentarze 5

  • 彩鶺鴒



    Like other people's reviews, Good thing: Open all year round, until 10pm (reception closes at 9:30pm). I want to give it a ★5 just for this. These business hours are really helpful. There is really no end to the bad things. However, there were no cases where treatment methods were not explained. When you sharpen your teeth, you scrape while letting water come out, but there's no need to let that much water come out. I thought I was going to drown. The assistant's vacuum was so bad that I couldn't get any suction at all. I thought I was going to drown (I'll say this over and over again because it's important). You can see the water overflowing and spilling, right? My clothes are crisp all the way down my neck (lol). My throat moved reflexively to swallow water, but the doctor was holding me down so forcefully that I couldn't move the slightest bit. I thought I was going to drown inside. Is there someone who drowned? I used it for the first time to treat cavities. I got this impression just once. If there's another place to go, I'll go elsewhere, but I found out that I live in an area where there aren't many other dentists, like, ``They're fully booked until Obon, so if you can't resist, go elsewhere.'' So, it's great that they were able to accommodate even first-time patients who didn't even make reservations over the phone. It can be evaluated. In fact, the pain was gone, so it was a huge relief. So, I really wanted to give it a ★1, but since it was helpful, I have no choice but to give it a 2. Great service.

  • りま



    I made an appointment over the phone to have my wisdom teeth removed, and then came to the clinic the next day, but I had to wait 40 minutes, and they didn't have the skill to remove wisdom teeth, so I was refused even though I confirmed it over the phone. I was told that I should go to medical school, so I asked if they could write me a letter of introduction.They said, ``It will be more expensive to write a letter of introduction, so it's better to go directly without it.''When I called the medical school to confirm, they said, ``I'd like to write a letter of introduction.'' "If you don't have a letter of introduction, it will cost you 5,090 yen, and you won't be able to make a reservation without a letter of introduction, so it will take a long time even if you come, so it's better to have a letter of introduction." It's inappropriate and irresponsible. I took a day off from work to make an appointment and came to the hospital, but they just charged me money (for X-rays) and they didn't do anything for me, so I went home feeling really bad. I definitely don't recommend it. I posted this in hopes that no one else will become the same victim.

  • Tori Watari

    Tori Watari


    I went because my tooth hurt. They told me to remove the nerve immediately, but the pain did not go away. . . When I visited the doctor again, he said, ``This tooth had the most cavities.However, the other tooth had a little bit of decay, so I'm glad I had it removed.'' I could hear voices from other seats saying things like, ``Let's get rid of our nerves. You may think that treatment means removing the nerves. It may be good for people whose pain is so bad that they want to have their nerves removed, but people who want to take good care of their teeth should consider it.

  • mogu



    It's the worst. We absolutely do not recommend it for the following reasons. ① Lack of sufficient informed consent. →Before treatment, a sufficient explanation of the treatment details and consent from the patient are required, but this is not provided. The patient's intentions are not reflected in the assembly line, saying, "I'll do ◯◯." The medical care system is worrying in many ways. Have you given up on improvements and installed a camera on the treatment table to prevent complaints? I have doubts. ②Technical level is too low →During treatment, my tongue was injured and bled. No apology. "It'll heal soon," he said. I doubt his character as a medical professional. ③Waiting time is too long →Even if you have a reservation, it is normal to wait for an hour. Unless you are very unlucky enough to be brought here due to a sudden illness, it is best to avoid this dentistry.

  • kou



    It was about 4 or 5 years ago, but even remembering it makes me angry, so I'm posting this. When I lived in Kanagawa Prefecture, my front tooth broke and there was almost no root, so I couldn't get a replacement tooth properly, so I consulted with my dentist and had a replacement tooth made with about 5 bridges from the front tooth to the back tooth over the course of about 3 years. I received it. I bumped it at work and it fell off. At the same time, my right tooth was hurting and I was busy with work, so I decided to have it removed because I couldn't go to the hospital. This was the only dentist that was open during the Obon holiday, so I told them why, but when they pull out the lower tooth, the leverage is applied to the lower tooth and the base collapses, so they have to remove the gold cover...? Wouldn't it be stronger if it were there? I thought, but this is what a professional doctor says, so I have no choice but to believe it. When I applied force with a tooth extraction tool to the area where the gold cover had been removed, the foundation collapsed. “Ah, it collapsed after all.” After muttering to myself, I tried fitting the big front teeth together, and they told me it was no good and wouldn't even glue them together. Due to the pain, I left my girlfriend to pay the bills and struggled in the car, but after a few days the pain subsided and I had trouble eating since I only had one tooth that could be clenched together, so I decided to go to the dentist, so I gave her a replacement tooth. When I asked what they did with the gold teeth, they said they hadn't gotten them back, and later I asked everyone at work and they said they were just collecting gold teeth. That's the conclusion I came to, and I was left with only a feeling of anger. It was certainly busy during the Obon holidays, and the young doctor on duty was alone and looked arrogant. I guess he was too busy collecting money to make some extra pocket money. By the way, were my false teeth sold off without permission? Right now, I'm having a hard time not being able to eat hard foods. I don't think there are any good doctors in Wakayama who would read this.

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