Horiguchi Memorial Hospital w Wakayama

JaponiaHoriguchi Memorial Hospital



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒640-8222 Wakayama, Minatohonmachi, 3-chōme−4−1
kontakt telefon: +81 73-435-0113
strona internetowej: horiguchi.or.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.232455, Longitude: 135.16239

komentarze 5

  • S A

    S A


    One nurse's attitude is really bad! I thought he had a very bad personality because of the way he spoke in a mocking way. The other nurses were very nice. That was the only thing I regret...

  • 清水弘昭



    I was hospitalized as an emergency due to lower back pain. The first thing that struck me was how friendly the nurses and other staff were, which alone made me feel at ease. I am particularly impressed by the way they treat the elderly. And they are all beautiful.

  • J J

    J J


    5 minutes walk from City Station? ? ? What a joke! It will take more than 15 minutes. The receptionist and nurses are very kind and polite. Orthopedic surgeons are not available. If you Google ``Why am I treated poorly by doctors when I see a doctor after a traffic accident?'', you'll probably get a glimpse of my experience with the doctor. 5 stars for receptionists and nurses. Doctor has no zero stars, so one star. Since it didn't heal, I went to an osteopathic clinic every day except Sunday for half a month, and although I still have pain, I was finally able to return to work.




    Due to a cut on my hand, I was treated without an appointment. Anyway, the female nurse who took care of me was so kind that I was moved! ! I'm glad there's a good hospital nearby. However, the information on the website is outdated and deviates from the reality, so I would like it to be updated frequently.

  • け“け”け



    He was taken to this hospital by ambulance with a torn tendon in his finger. Since it was a Saturday night, they were unable to find a place to transport the item, but they agreed to accept it. The doctor at the emergency outpatient clinic was not an orthopedic surgeon that day, but he confirmed with a nearby orthopedic surgeon whether emergency surgery was necessary, and we were told that there was no need for surgery on the same day. The bleeding was stopped with bipolar therapy, and then emergency treatment such as suturing was performed. He was also considerate of his patients, even writing a letter of introduction to a hospital near his home because he thought he wouldn't be able to go to Wakayama because he needed rehabilitation. Thanks to all of you, I'm still not completely cured, but I've recovered to the point where it doesn't interfere with my daily life. Thank you for your response.

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