Iryo Hojin Kojima Clinics w Fukutsu

JaponiaIryo Hojin Kojima Clinics



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3-chōme-16-20 Tsuyazaki, Fukutsu, Fukuoka 811-3304, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 940-52-0213
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.787816, Longitude: 130.464056

komentarze 5

  • りんりん



    When I was Dr. Grandpa here, he was really kind and his medical examinations were accurate, so I really liked him, and I relied on him whenever I had a cold or anemia or any other symptoms, but after he became my son... The way they deal with me is very top-level, they don't give me proper answers when I ask questions, and they get angry at the slightest thing... It didn't heal easily, so I went to another hospital. The hospital has become cleaner, but I think it was better in the past.

  • 市ヶ谷美月



    The nurse's response was good, but The doctor's response is from a top-down perspective. Speaking in a way that seems to look down on someone I felt very uncomfortable. I will never go there again.

  • 日美



    My mother went. He was a very good teacher who was polite and kind in his explanations. The nurses were also kind. My mother has always suffered from coughing and asthma, but recently I learned that her severe symptoms were a side effect of her rheumatism medication. Thank you very much for taking the time to call me so late in the evening to check on me.

  • 月サキ



    The receptionist and nurses were both pleasant and kind. Although the doctor was blunt, he listened carefully to me, cared about my health, and explained things in an easy-to-understand manner. I was worried due to the coronavirus pandemic, but I felt relieved. thank you very much.

  • 敦班目



    Beautiful and clean exterior with interior only⭐️ I have no intention of going there again, and I don't want to send my children there as much as possible. For me, who was in a really physically difficult situation, I got 0 points for both the nurses and the teachers in terms of assessing the situation, prioritizing, being considerate, caring, and communicating with others. Director, I wonder if it is possible to run a trustworthy hospital in a rural area with all these clerical people who follow the manual (this is the patient's perspective). I hope it improves.

najbliższy Szpital

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