Iizuka Hospital w 飯塚市

JaponiaIizuka Hospital


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Japan, 〒820-0018 福岡県飯塚市芳雄町3丁目83
kontakt telefon: +81 948-22-3800
strona internetowej: aih-net.com
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Latitude: 33.6419013, Longitude: 130.6914312

komentarze 5

  • K



    I was hospitalized as a child and was sick for about a week. At first, I thought all the nurses were very nice people, but as my symptoms got better, they kept asking me, ``I'll be back later,'' and ended up doing what I asked them to do. There were many things that weren't there. Are you forgetful? It's not that serious, is it? I was becoming increasingly dissatisfied. The rice isn't delicious.

  • いうあ



    Actually, I don't even want to give 1 star, but... The nurse's attitude is the worst. Who doesn't say hello Usually, patients and their families are casually chatting or working on their computers. When I thought they had finally responded, there was not a single word of apology. As a nurse, I thought it was strange as a person. I understand that you are busy, but I am also not feeling well so I took time to go to the hospital. Are these people the kind of people who don't apologize even if they're late for an appointment with a friend in their private lives? It was very unpleasant. I want to keep myself and my family out of the hospital as much as possible.

  • F



    They helped me when my child was hospitalized. I am filled with gratitude to the nurses and cleaners who took care of me during my stay in the hospital, as they seemed to take good care of me. However, on the day I was discharged from the hospital, the nurse in charge was very disappointing and I was very angry, and at the end I felt very bad. Basically, my mother was with me during the day and my husband was with me at night. Since she was discharged from the hospital, I took her place and went to listen to the explanation. At that time, the nurse in charge I was asked things like, ``Did you accompany me yesterday afternoon? Also, do you know if you use an inhaler?'' When I told her, ``My mother was with me yesterday, so I don't know.'' ``When I asked my mom, she said, ``When I woke up, it was gone.'' But my luggage seemed fine, so I'm fine." I was confused and didn't understand the meaning of that phrase, so I asked my mother. ``It wasn't there when I changed places (with my husband) in the morning, so I told him it wasn't there when I came in the morning.'' I also heard that the nurse suddenly opened the shelf where I kept my belongings, saying, ``It's not here,'' and that I was surprised because she didn't even say ``I'll open it.'' I was very angry. I did. ``It was gone when I noticed it'' and ``It wasn't there when I came in the morning'' do they have different meanings? When I called my husband to confirm, he said, ``A female nurse took it with me that night.'' (When I asked for details, it was said that he was not the usual person in charge, and was an unfamiliar and unfriendly person.) In the end, my mother and I took turns for 10 minutes. I remembered my first grade daughter waiting alone in the hospital room. I asked if anything happened or if no one came. The person in charge came and looked at the shelves to see if I had forgotten anything.I saw if I had put something in my bag (?) or was touching it (?). (I don't think that's possible, but the way the story went, I'm starting to wonder if they were rummaging through their bags. Is this something they would go out of their way to do in the few minutes their parents are away? It was already the worst feeling. Isn't that a lack of management? I don't think I would have had such an unpleasant experience depending on how I responded and how I communicated, but it was truly the worst.

  • 前田フーコ



    A family member was admitted to the hospital unconscious. There were also some angel nurses. However, the doctors in charge and most nurses However, they were completely inconsiderate people who were just doing assembly line work. No matter how bedridden you are, there should be human dignity. For a family on the brink of life or death, I felt heartbroken every time I went to see a patient who was treated with no compassion. I have now been transferred to a hospital with a completely different diagnosis, and I am doing my best in rehabilitation and waiting for my discharge. I want people who deal with life to do their work with kindness and a sense of mission. It's a job where you can bring people to the depths of despair with just a few words. Those were truly hellish days. If I hadn't been transferred to the hospital, I think I would have been tied to the bed and bedridden for the rest of my life.

  • Nao rugger

    Nao rugger


    It's strange that a neurosurgery doctor prescribes blood pressure medicine and an anticonvulsant medicine is prescribed by another hospital's internal medicine department, but when I explained that blood pressure medicine could be prescribed at the same time, the patient's family told me that the patient's doctor, who was not involved in the surgery, would prescribe blood pressure medicine. Apparently he asked. Then, they said they would not write a letter of introduction because they were not introducing them. Is there such a stupid story? If that's the case, from now on, local medical practitioners won't have to write a letter of introduction even if a patient wishes to see Iizuka Hospital! ? Is it okay? ! I thought. I feel like they don't really put the patient first.

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