Imperial Hotel Tokyo en Chiyoda City

JapónImperial Hotel Tokyo


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1-chōme-1-1 Uchisaiwaichō, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 100-8558, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3504-1111
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Latitude: 35.672454, Longitude: 139.7579015

comentarios 5

  • Eric L.

    Eric L.


    I did not stay at this hotel. I came here just to catch the limousine bus to NRT. Even though I was not a guest, the bell captain treated me as if I was, even helping me carry my luggage and making sure I was safely on the bus before leaving. If this is the level of service they give strangers off the street, I can only imagine the luxury that hotel guests enjoy. Thank you Imperial Hotel Tokyo!

  • Abrar Thabit

    Abrar Thabit


    We visited in February 2024. Pros: - Nice clean rooms. - Comfortable beds. - Great location in a high class neighborhood, near 2 subway stations (about a 10-minute walk to each). - Environment-friendly toiletries. - The toilet seat has a built-in bidet system. - They offer authentic Japanese pajamas (but only for use while in the hotel). - There's an indoor pool. - They offer luggage shipping service where they sent it to our hotel in Osaka. - High security as the corridor entry requires you to use your room card. Cons: - The room was small (we stayed in the new tower). We were told the older tower has spacious rooms but with less services. - We had some sort of a misunderstanding with the reception staff due to language issues. We didn't try their breakfast, so can't comment on it.

  • Alexander Mazyar Rostami

    Alexander Mazyar Rostami


    I work internationally and spend on average 50-100 hotel nights abroad every year. Except for the Covid years this lifestyle has been ongoing since 2016. This hotel provides the best service I have ever experienced and I have stayed in many high class hotels. This is on totally another level. I’m so sad the hotel will be demolished soon. I hope the new hotel continues with the same level of standard. Thank you Imperial hotel. You were the best in every little detail

  • A Witrip

    A Witrip


    We stayed at this hotel about 15 years ago and I have to say that it has remained an incredible hotel for both service and rooms. The service is superior to any hotel in North America and we have gone to some pretty good hotels in North America. It is worthwhile to purchase the breakfast package as you can have quite a variety of different breakfast options. The best option is the Japanese buffet breakfast. Thank you to the hotel T Nabata

  • David Boe

    David Boe


    Unfortunately, I'm not able to comment on the rooms, as I didn't stay there. However, I visited several shops within the facility and had some interactions with staff. All personnel were highly professional, courteous and polite. The building and the setting are immaculately clean and beautifully appointed. Everything about this place speaks of luxury and competence.

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