いまいずみ歯科クリニック en Shiogama



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1-chōme-32-1 Shimizusawa, Shiogama, Miyagi 985-0061, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 22-361-3803
sitio web: www.imaizumi-dental.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.3289547, Longitude: 141.0071362

comentarios 5

  • yan yan

    yan yan


    I had a one-and-a-half-year-old child with me, and I was told that she would be able to watch over my child while I received treatment. Once I hesitated, the teacher and receptionist kindly told me, ``You don't have to do your best to raise your child alone. If you have a chance, you can ask for help.'' When I have small children, I can't go to the hospital as often as I would like, so just hearing those words and caring for me moved me to tears. As expected, each time during my treatment, the receptionist kept an eye on my son, who was in a good mood, surrounded by lots of toys, books, and DVDs. Her son also hates brushing his teeth, and every day when he had to brush his teeth, he would hold him down and scream while brushing his teeth (lol), but he decided to give me a toothbrushing lesson. The doctor is very familiar with children, so I watched him from the waiting room, and my son didn't have any hesitation from the first time, holding hands with the doctor, going to the examination table by himself, and sitting down. (Just that sight brought tears to my eyes lol) When the lesson is over, he always says, ``◯◯-kun, you did your best! You're growing! Mom, please give me lots of praise ^ ^''. I have been going once a week for a month and a half. Now, when I ask her to open her mouth, she opens her mouth wide! ! ! People who go to the dentist are looking forward to receiving a toy from their teacher and watching their favorite DVD as a reward for their hard work. I asked and raised my hand. (lol) Definitely, if you have a child who hates brushing their teeth, it's a good idea to visit! ! If you leave it to the professionals, they will definitely overcome it! ! I think it's because the teachers are professionals and are used to working with children and understand how difficult it is to raise children. I think it was great that I was able to get my child used to going to the dentist from a young age (^^) This is all thanks to the teachers and staff. I am grateful.

  • かれん



    I went there for mouthpiece correction. No effect felt at all In fact, the teeth that have been ground down become sparse. It's worse than before It's been a while since I was told that the gap will naturally disappear over time, but it hasn't improved at all. The protruding tooth will not heal at all. It was better to do nothing Even if you correct it, it will come back to normal anyway. I was treated coldly. I thought I should say that from the beginning. It was a wasteful and expensive expense.

  • まさ



    I changed it because the response was not good.

  • zagi 625

    zagi 625


  • zicco



    The doctor listens well to the patient. This is very reassuring at the dentist! Any questions you may have will be answered in detail. The staff are very friendly and will treat you with as much compassion as possible so that you don't have to have your hair removed as much as possible. It seems like we're always fully booked, but we can accommodate you in case of an emergency. I can't go to another dentist anymore.

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