みどりの杜歯科 en Sendai




🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒984-0053 Miyagi, Sendai, Wakabayashi Ward, Renbōkōji, 135 レインボウハウス 1F
contactos teléfono: +81 22-224-5078
sitio web: www.midorinomori-shika.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.252062, Longitude: 140.8850681

comentarios 5

  • Takuma Suzuki (くま)

    Takuma Suzuki (くま)


    My front tooth had fallen off and I was panicking, but even though it was late on the day, they helped me and really helped me out. Both the doctor and the dental hygienist were kind and polite, and I look forward to continuing to take care of them.

  • aika



    I've been living in Sendai for about 10 years, but I'm not good at dentists, so I've been looking for a place where the dentist is kind, and since it's close to my house, I decided to go there. The receptionist and dental hygienist were very kind, and above all, the doctor was very kind.I wish I had come here earlier🥺 Anesthesia injections don't hurt either, and even if I'm usually given anesthesia, it often hurts a lot if I don't hold back a little, but this dentist didn't feel anything when he was cutting, so much so that I almost fell asleep. ☺️ It's a very comfortable dentist's office, the interior is beautiful, and there's a parking lot and bicycle parking lot, so I recommend it to anyone looking for a dentist! !

  • 東洋のChris Brown

    東洋のChris Brown


    I had my wisdom teeth removed. I enjoy talking with dentists and dental hygienists. Cold water is delicious. He was also very responsive to children (and other patients).

  • 南河たたみ



    He is a recommended dentist. Ever since I was a child, I was not good at dentists, and every time I moved, I had a hard time finding a dentist. It's a popular dentist, so it can be a little difficult to get an appointment, but the doctors and staff are kind and courteous, so you can feel at ease. They understand what dentists are weak at and suggest treatments that are as painless and discomfort-free as possible. The medical fees are standard, but the treatment is not prolonged and the treatment is reliable. I highly recommend this book to those who are not good at dentists, so I hope it will be helpful to those who are wondering which dentist to go to.

  • 北山駿介



    I had a chipped front tooth in my upper jaw, so I visited him, and he was a very good dentist (including the hygienist and assistant). I thought he was a wonderful dentist who focused on only the necessary treatment without excessive surgery or making you visit the hospital many times. I think this is a dentist that is well worth coming to even if it is a little far away.

Dentista más cercano

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